Maybe I was too shell-shocked to notice before, but now I feel like a sitting duck as guys pass by us, glance at my green sticker, and move on. Suddenly, it feels worse than usual being scrutinized like this without anyone approaching.
I also notice plenty of men making eyes at Dex. Likely because he’s so handsome and approachable, but also because of the yellow sticker, though he seems to pay them no mind.
Instead, he’s watching me with an unreadable expression. “I should’ve asked you at the door, but you seemed to make up your mind pretty quickly by choosing the green sticker. You’re up for meeting someone tonight?”
“I mean, sure?” I avert my eyes, my palms feeling clammy. “I just assumed that was the idea with you choosing the club and us doing this night out.”
“Yes and no. We were supposed to—guess it’s totally up to you.” His fingers press against my shoulder. “Remember that throwing-you-to-the-wolves thing? I don’t want you to feel like that again.”
I nod as I pull at the collar of my shirt, feeling like it’s strangling me. “Can we find a space by the wall again? Let me catch my breath for a few and think about it.”
He grips my fingers and leads me to a less crowded spot, and I feel grounded for the first time tonight. This was supposed to be a second practice date, but I got all confused seeing the stickers and imagining Dex’s expectations. I’ll admit I got caught up in the idea of meeting another person wearing a green sticker, but the reality of it is actually turning my stomach. I’m not ready for this, but I wasn’t assertive enough to ask Dex about it at the door.
As we pass through the crowd, even the few men wearing green stickers don’t give me a second look. So either they’re as nervous as I am, or I’m not worth talking to. And now I feel like a failure in an experiment designed nearly perfectly for me. It might even be worse than online dating.
As if things weren’t awkward enough, Brandon approaches. At first, he looks out of place away from campus and in his black leather harness. A yellow sticker is affixed to the waistband of his pants, which seems the only place he could find to attach it. He has a nice physique, with his muscly biceps and the light dusting of hair on his pecs.
“Hey there,” he says in a flirty voice, which is so different from his straightforward one at the coffee cart. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“I…didn’t think to see you…” I sputter. “A surprise this is.”
God, there goes my mouth again.
But it doesn’t matter because he’s looking at Dex in a way I recognize from right before Dex goes off to hook up with someone.
When Brandon leans forward to whisper in Dex’s ear, I feel like a third wheel and almost head toward the exit. But then Dex shakes his head and takes a step back, confusing me.
Brandon’s eyebrows scrunch together. “Well, I just thought…because of the sticker.”
“Sorry, not tonight.” Dex glances at me. “Likely not ever.”
Brandon rolls his eyes, says something under his breath, and walks away.
Dex turns to me. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”
“I’m s-sorry.” I feel not only dejected but invisible too. Not that Brandon knows I’ve been crushing on him, but Christ, what a mess. “I don’t want to cock-block you. I’m not feeling comfortable anymore. I can leave, and you can just?—”
“Hell no.” He grabs my hand and pulls me away from the wall. “Follow me.”
He heads toward the exit, which only makes me feel worse.
I’m about to protest when he approaches the woman standing by the table. “We got the wrong stickers. Can we trade these in for red ones?”
My shoulders immediately unwind, and I grip his fingers tighter. Damn, I appreciate him. Does he even know how intuitive and compassionate he can be?
He grabs the two stickers and leads me to the far wall, where he takes his time adhering them to our shirts.
“Thank you,” I say, and his mouth lifts at the corners.
“Let’s dial things back. Somehow, we lost the plot. We’re supposed to be on our second date, remember?”
God, I’m an idiot. I blow out a breath. “That sounds way more manageable.”
“Hey, you two!” We turn to find Kael and Angelica wearing red stickers. “We’re a little late. Got held up.”
Kael’s cheeks flush, and Dex throws him a knowing grin. Angelica seems nonplussed as she sways her hips to the thumping bass and pulls on his arm to head inside, no doubt to dance.
“Coming with?” she asks with a smile.