Am I still smiling? Suppose I can’t help it when thinking about this scenario with Dex.
I lift my phone. “I have a date.”
Kael squeals. “You do?”
“Uh-huh, and the guy who asked me out has been quizzing me to get to know me better.”
“Oh my God. I’m so excited for you!” He narrows his eyes. “Wait, why am I only hearing about this now?”
“It only just happened today. I’m so in my head about it, and you’re studying. I didn’t want to?—”
“Stop it this instant! You can always interrupt me with something like this. Tell me everything right now.”
I feel guilty only giving him a half-truth. But I’ll admit saying it aloud like it’s real feels so satisfying.
“Okay, the truth is…I do have a date, but it’s with someone you already know.”
“Huh?” His eyes brighten. “Is it that Brandon guy from the party?”
“Hell no! Like that would ever happen.”
“Well then, who?”
“Before I tell you, know that you’re the one who planted the seed in my head on our way home from the mixer. You said that maybe I should ask Dex to like…” I trail off, trying to remember the exact phrasing.
“Make someone jealous?”
I cover my face with my hands, having that same reaction to the suggestion. “Yes…but before that, you suggested he should sort of…show me the ropes. Okay, now that I’m saying it aloud, it sounds dumb.”
“It’s not dumb. It’s a great idea. So, what did Dex say?”
“Guess he thinks it’s an okay idea because he asked me on a ‘date.’” I use air quotes so he knows it’s not real.
“I love this. Where are you going?”
“To the bonfire party on the beach this Friday. It’s organized by the LGBTQ+ club.”
“Sounds perfect.”
I wince as my stomach rolls. “Or it could be a total bust.”
“Even if it is, you’ll be with Dex.”
“That’s kind of what he said.” I blow out a relieved breath that we’re all on the same page.
“It sounds like he’s going to try and make it feel authentic.” He glances at my cell. “What are the texts about?”
I smile and shake my head. “I don’t know exactly. The first one came out of the blue. He’s asking me questions he already knows the answers to.”
But if I’m being honest, there are things I forgot…or maybe I like hearing his version of them again.
“Aw, I really like that. He’s good at this and doesn’t even know it.”
“Right? Anyway, go back to studying.”
“Do I have to?” He lies back and throws his arms out dramatically. “Would you mind quizzing me on the terms?”