“Oh, there you are,” my crush says, and I can hear the relief in his voice. “My name is Brandon, by the way.”
“Dex,” he replies, then pats my shoulder. “And this is Austin.”
Brandon barely acknowledges me as he addresses Dex. “Thanks again for the invite.”
“Technically, it was Austin who invited you.”
“Oh, I…” Brandon’s eyes widen. “Fuck, I didn’t realize…sorry about that.”
I try not to let my disappointment show, but what did I expect? I’m practically invisible to guys like him. Plus, if Dex didn’t constantly try to save me, I might be able to figure some stuff out on my own. On the other hand, if Dex didn’t nudge me to get out more, I’d never have any opportunities to begin with. Quite a conundrum.
I tune back into their conversation.
“You live here?” Brandon says, taking in the room. “This place is sick.”
“Uh-huh.” Dex motions behind him. “Feel free to get a drink while I refill the chip bowls. Maybe Austin can show you to the punch.”
Dex gives me a quick thumbs-up and turns to go. I want to beg him to stay, but thankfully, I see Kael approaching with a glass of ice water.
“Thanks,” I say as he hands it to me.
“So what’s with the punch?” Brandon asks. “Might be too strong if that’s what you were choking on.”
“Eh, I’ve also choked on my own saliva, so…”
It dawns on me what I just admitted. Kael snorts a laugh, and I can’t help joining in mortification.
Brandon smiles blandly as he looks between us. “Are you two together?”
That only makes us laugh louder.
“We’re roommates,” Kael says.
“Got it.” Suddenly, Brandon raises a hand and waves to someone across the room. “Oh, I see an old friend.”
The silence is deafening, even with the music playing in the room. I might actually pass out from holding my breath for so long.
“I’m sorry,” Kael says just as Dex approaches again.
“No punch?” He glances to where Brandon is speaking animatedly to his old friend in the corner. Probably more like an old hookup, the way they seem so cozy.
“Are you really that surprised?” I deadpan. “That guy has no interest in me. I’m not good at this stuff like you are.”
“That’s not true,” he argues. “I just put myself out there more than you.”
“It’s so cringe.”
“No, it’s not,” Kael adds. “Nothing you did was wrong. You gave the guy the flower, no strings attached.”
“I think I need to head back to the dorm,” I say, tugging on Kael’s sleeve. “Before it gets awkward again.”
“Hold on,” Dex says, “give it some time. Maybe now that Brandon knows it was you and not me—” At my pointed look, he clamps his mouth shut.
“Okay, I’m out,” I say, turning for the door, and Kael follows.
“Wait.” Dex pulls me into a hug. “Fuck, I’m sorry.”
I sink into his embrace, which brings a flutter of comfort, though I’m still bummed and embarrassed. “You’re not allowed to pull any stunts like that again.”