“Of course I’m sure.” I twist the napkin in front of me. “I wouldn’t be here if?—”
“I’m not accusing you of anything.” He holds up his hands. “I’m only suggesting that maybe you need to ask yourself if you have feelings for your friend.”
Nope, not going there. Shutting that thought under lock and key.
“To be honest, you’re the first date I’ve had in a long time. I lacked the confidence and was too much of an introvert to date, let alone hold a conversation.” And now it occurs to me that I haven’t been tongue-tied once during this date. I wonder what that means. “Dex has been instrumental in helping me to come out of my shell a little more. He’ll kill me for how this conversation went off the rails.”
Toby chuckles. “Thanks for telling me. I wouldn’t have guessed.”
“Really?” I ask, and he nods.
“I just saw an attractive guy with an unusual hair color and kind eyes. You stood out to me, so I thought I’d shoot my shot.”
I’m…speechless. No one has ever said stuff like that to me—well, besides Dex.
Goddamn it. I need to stop inserting him into the equation.
“I…thank you. I’d feel awful if I ruined this opportunity.”
“I hear you.” Toby sips his coffee. “But just because you have an opportunity doesn’t mean it’s the right one for you.”
“Okay, true.” I search his face and also find kind eyes. “So, what are you trying to say?”
“That we might not be a love connection, but we can certainly be friends.”
I sit there stunned at his directness as he lifts his cup and taps it against mine. I could probably learn a thing or two from Toby.
All the tension drains away, and I feel way more comfortable. I have a feeling he does too because the conversation flows after that and becomes a bit more animated. Toby tells me that he broke up only last month with someone he dated for five years. Maybe we both dodged a bullet.
By the end of the date that ended up being a bust, I’m glad to have met him.
We walk out together and hug before we part ways. “I’ll be sure to look for your coffee cart on campus.”
“Sounds good. A mocha cap coming right up.”
On the way to class this morning, I’m feeling on edge because I haven’t spoken to Austin in twenty-four hours. I can only assume the date went well. Otherwise, I would’ve gotten some sarcastic or overdramatic text by now.
Maybe there was even a kiss, or hell, who knows, a handjob. I try not to picture how that might’ve all gone down, or my stomach is liable to implode. Instead, I should focus my energy on why this is affecting me so much. I suppose I liked the idea of Austin and me only experimenting with each other, though we didn’t set any parameters or restrictions around our dates. How could we? It was all in an effort to lead to exactly where it did—a date with a hot guy.
Christ, I need to calm my ass down.
The group project is a good distraction, and when class ends, my thoughts are still revolving around our upcoming presentation. Until I see Austin reading on the bench near the coffee cart.
My heart skips a beat, and for a split second, I consider heading in the opposite direction. But I force my feet forward so I can show Austin what an encouraging friend I can be.
He smiles when I sit beside him. “Hey, you.”
“Hey.” I wait for him to say something more, but when he doesn’t volunteer any info, I ask, “You good?”
“Uh-huh,” he replies absently, his eyes still on the page. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Because you had a date last night and I haven’t heard from you.
“No reason. Just making sure.” I glance toward the coffee cart and notice a newer employee, a girl with blue hair and a nose ring. Not that I know everyone who works at Bean Necessities. “Do you have a shift?”