Page 41 of Shadows of Desire

“Run little bunny, I’m coming for you.” She didn’t want to see how close he was, but had to. Jeffrey was fast walking with long strides. Longer than hers and he was keeping time with her. She tried to increase her pace. She might not have any broken bones, but her body was suffering from what she went through.

“When I get my hands on you.” She could hear the palms of his hands rubbing together.

“You’ll be sorry.” She stumbled down the stairs, holding onto the banister. Thank God there was still one there.

“I don’t think so.”

“You don’t understand,” Jenna’s pain-filled voice said. “I’m going to kill you.” Those words were like a fiery arrow that came from her soul. She had every intention of killing Jeffrey. Shy, and scared, Jenna was still a part of her, but abused Jenna had all she could take.

“The first time I saw you, you were fifteen. Your father posted your picture on a dark website. I knew then I had to have you. Imagine my surprise when you moved next door. I knew it was meant to be.” He leaped and took her down the way a lion takes down a deer.

She yelled, not in fear, but in frustration. There was a way to kill him. She needed to figure it out now.

“Listen to me.” What? Her mind was tripping at the voice in her head. “SaKura?”

“Yes. Jenna, you’re a frya. There’s a reason you’re called that.”

Fire, but she couldn’t make it. Although watching him burn would give her primal satisfaction. She was fighting with Jeffrey while talking to the mate she never thought she’d speak to again. She listened to her mate, trying to understand what he was telling her.

Jeffrey was trying to do a 360 with her neck, but he was finding it hard to turn her head past her shoulder. She brought her arms, hands, and wrists up on the outside of his arms. She leaned up and clapped her hands against his ears. He cursed and moved back, letting go of her neck.

“You’re a worthy opponent.” He was the dead one and she wouldn’t waste another word on him. She brought her feet up like she was going to push him back, instead, she used his chest to slide backward giving her the space she needed to get up. She might have been amazed at the agility of her moves if she wasn’t trying to stay alive.

“That fucker gave you some enhanced gifts. That makes this much more fun.” Jenna turned and ran trying to do what SaKura told her to do.

She needed to even her breathing. It didn’t need to be slow, just even. She was breathing fast, but it came out in a rhythmic ostinato. The beat is repeated over a certain amount of time. Now she had to concentrate on her core. According to her mate, that’s where her fire lived. He felt it when they met in her dreams. Now that they were mated, the closer they came to each other, the hotter it burned. She would flush, knowing he was talking about sex if she had the time.

She felt something burning in her belly. It could have been indigestion, but she was going to have to try and hope SaKura knew what he was talking about. The next step tell her fingers to prepare to handle fire. If he was right and she had some mythical fire, it would kill her when she channeled it through her body, through her arms, and out of her fingers.

Jenna screamed, losing track of her breathing when she felt the tips of her fingers open. A quick look down showed the gems from her crown sliding out of her fingers, reminding her of SaKura’s retractable claws. She stumbled, thinking she was going to fall on her ass. There was pressure against her legs, balancing her. She looked around, not seeing anything before Kala popped into view.

Kala’s presence steadied her, allowing her to concentrate on her breathing.

“You’re dead, bitch.” Jeffrey’s form changed. His sallow skin overshadowed his handsome looks. It turned the color of concrete and his face changed shapes, looking like a nightmare.

“I’m sorry, Jeffrey, I can’t allow you to walk the streets any longer.” She felt for the innocent man (if he were ever innocent) who got caught up in this world of hatred and rage.

He ran at her, death in his eyes. Jenna lifted her arms, fingers spread, and commanded her fire to blaze. There was a red spark along her fingers before Jeffrey collided with her, taking her to the floor.

He was screaming at her, but his words were slurred due to the changing shape of his face. She felt a hot throbbing pain in her side. It took several seconds for her to realize he stabbed her. He took the knife out, the blood flowing freely. She closed her eyes, the sight of the blood making her queasy. It took the last of the reserves she had to slow her body and slump under him. She slowed her breathing and concentrated on the fire burning hot in her belly. Funneling that fire through her body scared her as she felt Jeffrey’s hands on her. His mouth was sucking on her nipples, leaving cuts and bruises from his jagged teeth.

The fire needed to be coaxed through her like it was a child learning to walk. When she felt heat travel down her arms, she focused harder until her palms burned. Jenna hugged Jeffrey like he was her long-lost lover. Her fingertips were digging into his back.

She met his eyes. For a minute, she fancied she saw the man being caged by the monster. Then she was on fire. Jeffrey howled, trying to get away from the steel band of her arms holding him close.

His clothes caught on fire, quickly consuming his skin. He raged and fought as Jenna accepted her death. It was worth it. He went up with the nauseous scent of burning flesh. A smile crept over her mouth as she watched him burn. There would be one less monster in the world. Jenna closed her eyes, hoping to see her mother again.

“I love you,” she whispered to SaKura.

Chapter Twenty-five

Rakha kicked down the door to the flop house Jenna was being held in. Sakura looked at his brother, trying not to find humor in the warrior showing off his brawn. It was funny until he caught sight of his mate burning.

“Jenna!” She turned her head and stood with human ash and burning entrails clinging to her. Her gray eyes were lit from behind. Red fire made the gray shine with vibrancy. SaKura went to his knees. He hadn’t seen a frya mate on fire like Jenna was in close to nine hundred years and they didn’t burn as brightly as his mate. His papan had seen one once and told him the story. It was like they were slowly dying out on his planet. They were still powerful, but not like the frya’s of old. The future of his people flashed in front of him with a glorious revival. The old and the new melding together.

The roar behind him brought him to his feet. A tall human female walked into the room, looking like she was ready to kill.

“That’s Marilyn,” Jenna said quickly. “She’s a...” Marilyn dropped the disguise of being human, rendering no other words necessary.