Page 35 of Shadows of Desire

That wasn’t exactly what she expected to hear, but she understood what he meant. Whatever was happening around her was too big to leave untouched.

“Tell me.” She didn’t even think of holding out. He knew, she wasn’t sure how, but SaKura knew her almost as well as Bella.

“I had this thought. Maybe it was a voice whispering in my ear. What if the mystery man…” She didn’t know how else to refer to the man from the mall she kept seeing. “What if the Tan-ge can do the same thing that Rakha can do? What if they can impersonate a human? That man could be Tan-ge. It makes a wicked kind of sense. He looks like an Uber human and he’s going around telling everyone they can protect themselves. They don’t need any monsters to protect their planet. By the way, no, I don’t want you to leave or pull your troops away.”

He gave a soft growl of agreement against her ear, but other than that, he was silent. She shook her head. SaKura should be an interrogator somewhere. There would be fans and people standing around in awe. They would wonder if he got the confession with nothing but a grunt. The government, states, and cities would all fight over him, but she was digressing.

“I don’t think anyone can stop what’s coming. I’m dead and if I’m dead, so are you. That’s why they haven’t made a move. They saw what was happening between us, deciding to take out two with one rock.”

Now it was her turn to get silent, to wait for something from SaKura. He gave a growl that sounded suspiciously like Kala’s, who came running into the living room.

“You will go nowhere without Kala. He reinforced in a language that Kala responded to. I’m not losing you, nor am I letting anyone take you away. We just found each other.”

He picked up the phone and called someone. He was talking rapid-fire fast and since it was his native language, she’d hazard a guess he was talking to his brother. She only caught about a third of the words.

“Everything okay?” He nodded.

“I want Rakha to look into the man you mentioned as well as your ex-next-door neighbors. You wouldn’t have a picture of them, would you?”

“Why the hell would I have… Okay, wait.” She fished her phone out and went to the photo gallery.

While she was looking through photos, he touched his ear and then started talking. She’d bet dollars to donuts that he was talking to his ship. Which was something she hadn’t thought about until this very moment. Didn’t he need one to get to Earth? It must be up there somewhere, evading the Earth’s detection system. If the Diza can avoid our safeguards, then so could the Tan-ge. So much for the big mouths who were assuring everyone that they were safe from the Tan-ge.

Ta-da. She had a picture of Jeffrey on her phone. She took it one day when he was bothering a teenage girl. If something happened, she wanted proof and not hearsay that he was messing with her.

She handed the phone over to SaKura, who enlarged the pic to see his face. “He’s not Tan-ge. I’m not certain they can take on your form. I am certain they can’t change their ears. There is a small tail attached to the bottom of their ears, and there is a red dot here. I don’t think it’d be noticeable in a human, but humans don’t have them. It might look like a birthmark or a pigmentation mutation.”

Jenna’s stomach rolled. She was sure she’d seen the exact earlobe and mark combination. Now her mind refused to tell her where, but it was too close to home. Whoever had the mark.

Chapter Twenty-one

“I’m going upstairs,” Jenna said. The smile and wink she threw at SaKura said it would be worth his while to follow her. She had until he got into the room to decide her life, her future, and even her death.

Deliberately she was shying away from any feelings for him. He was a friend she had sex with. He might even be a lover; someone she was getting to know. SaKura was the male she mated with, whether she liked it or not. All of them were sides of the truth, but they weren’t the truth. Glimpses of her future came and went even as she denied them. Now she had to put them together like a hasty patchwork quilt. The edges weren’t smooth, and the picture wasn’t flawless. Large sections were missing, but there was enough for her to know what she needed to do. The end where she lived or died was missing. This was all up to her.

SaKura stopped in their doorway, watching her. She took the time to categorize all the things she liked about him. When she was a child, she never understood how Bella fell in love with the monster. Maybe because she lived with a monster (the sperm donor)? Now she understood monsters came in different classes, and she understood how Bella fell in love with the beast. She’d have to remember to tease her sister if she made it through what was coming. She looked at his horns. Were they sensitive? Why hadn’t she touched them before? Those strange eyes made her heart flutter. She liked the way his face was shaped and the strong column of his neck. His chest and his abs thrilled her, and his thick arms held her gently. All of it appealed to her.

“Are your horns sensitive?” She was done looking. She wanted to touch.

“Why don’t you find out for yourself?” He walked over to the bed and stripped, much to her pleasure. Not to be beaten, she stood on the bed and stripped out of what she was wearing, kicking her clothes to the floor. Later could be tomorrow, the next day, or two hours from now. Whenever it came, she’d pick them up.

SaKura laid down on his back, his hands over his head and fingers laced tightly together. SaKura laid his body out like an erotic jungle gym, and he handed her an all-star pass to play with him and ride that ride. She licked her lips, feeling like she was dry and needed water. This wasn’t what she imagined, but it was what she wanted. How the heck did he know her so well?

A kiss would be the first thing. It only seemed right. That’s why she didn’t do it. Maybe she was just different from the everyday woman. It was his feet that were calling to her. They were always naked and somehow they were always clean. Unlike hers, she always had to wash them.

“It amazes me how you guys keep your feet clean.” Yep, she called him and Rakha guys, because she no longer thought of them as things that went bump in the night. He had four toes and thick nails that she knew could grow and become deadly claws. He had a fifth something. It wasn’t a big toe like she had, but it must keep him balanced since he didn’t have a tail. Her fingers played with his toes, noticing they were sensitive.

Her thumb traced the contour of his foot and he pulled away from her, making a low, gruff sound.

“Oh, My God! You’re ticklish.” She dived onto his legs, chasing his feet.

“That’s ridiculous.” They fought over his feet, making them both laugh until he gave up with a sigh, letting her play with his feet and finding out what strange and delicious sounds she could get out of him.

She kissed each foot before she went to his ankles, showering want and need on them before tracing up to his calves. She loved the thickness and how the muscles contracted and relaxed, in stark contrast to men she knew in the past. He was strong, and she knew that. He could walk or run for miles. If asked what she wanted in a man, lover, or husband, she would have said someone weak like her.

She’d never thought of herself as strong until she saw herself through SaKura’s eyes. She kissed, nipped, and licked his calves. Her hands went over them like she was a tailor measuring them for an outfit, but she was feeling him up. His power appealed to her, making her wet and needy. She went up to his thighs. She bet he could crack a walnut with them. Hell, he could break her, but he never would. This is what it felt like to hold raw power in her hands. She knew that if she wanted, she could direct him because she was his mate, his frya. It was exhilarating and dangerous. She needed to be trustworthy and not misuse the gift of her mate.

Thank you. That was for the voices in her head who had given SaKura to her. Were they gods? She didn’t know and most times didn’t care. She played with his thighs. First, there were soft touches just enough to make his muscles contract, but not enough to give him the pressure he was looking for. She looked up to see his eyes were bright and there was a sheen of need in them. She chuckled to herself. Not yet, baby.