Page 28 of Shadows of Desire

“Sit.” It came out as part of a moan. She tightened her legs around him before pushing on his chest to get him to walk backward. There was a bench in the shower. She didn’t know why her sister put it there, but she knew how to use it. One click of a button turned on the shower heads that surrounded the bench.

SaKura sat, loosening his hold on her so he could caress her. Jenna wiggled on his lap before she scented the shoulder she bit. Using her blunt human teeth, she bit him again, eliciting a growl from him. He switched nipples as she ran her hands over his chest.

“I never knew that I could love being touched.” She knew that it wasn’t just her body reacting to being touched, it was the person doing it. There was something about SaKura that made her feel safe. With that safety came the ability to relax and experience love at a deeper level. That’s what making love was to her. It was about going deeper. The intimacy of the action not only allowed her body to be open and receptive, but her heart and mind as well.

When his finger traced the lips of her pussy before sinking in, she gave a loud moan. Her hands went to his cock, playing with it. She wanted him to get harder, which was going to be hard. She giggled at her play on words while stroking him.

“We shouldn’t do this in your sister’s bathroom.”

“I know you’re right.” She went up on her knees around him. Taking his cock in a firm hand, she lowered herself until it was touching the opening of her pussy. “Do you want to stop?”

“Jenna,” he growled, while he thrust up.

“Didn’t think so.” It came out on a gasp that was followed by a bitten-off moan.

Those heightened senses included sound, and she wasn’t trying to alert Bella to what she was doing.

“You feel so good.” She rocked on his cock before lifting herself and starting the age-old primal movements. On Earth or Diza, some things seemed to be the same. SaKura met her move for move. “Where have you been all of my life?”

Her pace was picking up. She needed more, needed to get closer to him. If she could crawl into his skin, she would. Wait, no she wouldn’t; that sounded kind of murderous to her. This was good, it was what she needed.

SaKura’s hands went to her waist, picking her up and then dropping her on his cock. She screamed and howled in pleasure, not caring or thinking about who might hear her. He had taken this to the next level, and she was there for it. Pleasure shot through her like the Fourth of July fireworks going off. She moaned and made breathless sounds. There were times when wails came out. Her nipples got harder reminding her of… SaKura took a nipple into his mouth, sucking. She howled from the pleasure of her nipples combined with her pussy. She felt herself sucking him in deeper. The walls of her pussy clung to him, not wanting to give up the ultimate treat. Nirvana tried to sweep her away, causing her to throw her head back. She felt it. God, she loved the feeling of her orgasm building. It was waiting like the ocean for it to be high tide. Her orgasm grew from a tiny ball to an enormous wave that would roll over her, swamping her in pleasure and making it impossible for her to move.

“SaKura.” She was chanting his name as she bounced on his cock. Her breasts bobbing up and down. “SaKura, SaKura, SaKura!” Her orgasm broke, taking her with it on the journey of a lifetime.

She passed the tops of trees until she got to the land of fireworks. She watched the beauty of them explode around her and then she was frolicking in the clouds. Every moment with SaKura took her higher. Now she was whizzing around the stars, and he was right there with her. She felt his seed when he exploded inside of her and wanted more. Then he was pulling out.

She looked at him with accusation in her eyes.

“We don’t want to be stuck together in a shower.”

Darn it. At least one of them could still think. She laid her head on his shoulder. Soon it was going to be time to face the music.

Chapter Seventeen

Jenna tried to avoid Bella’s knowing grin. She took a seat in the snuggle chair and hid her smile when SaKura sat next to her. His body heat warmed her up, making her feel cherished. Cherished, she never thought she’d feel like that. It was an amazing feeling. One that shattered most of the walls surrounding her heart. She kept a few erect. If he betrayed her or her people, she wouldn’t survive if she let him completely in.

“You were going to explain what happened to me?” There were so many things happening she felt like she was behind the eight ball. Everything with SaKura had her head in a mess. Then there was what happened at the mall. It seemed like years ago, but it wasn’t. The man she saw there still plagued her. When she wasn’t wrapped up in SaKura, hints of that man teased her. Then there were Jeffrey and Marilyn.

Shivers went through her, and SaKura pulled her closer, rubbing his hand over her back. He was trying to comfort her, and it was working. They were a couple, whether she wanted to admit it or not. The issue was, she wasn’t sure how she felt about him. It changed day to day, hour to hour. There were times she thought she could trust him with everything and times like yesterday when all she wanted to do was run away. Which part of her was going to win? She had no idea, and maybe that thrilled her.

“I can’t give you the human equivalent of what I’m going to say. I’m counting on you and Bella to figure it out.”

She and Bella were the only humans in the room. Why didn’t she realize that sooner? Because she was used to being around Thad, who reminded her of a human when he wasn’t sporting a tail and the same with Cleo. She had mistaken Cleo for being a model when she first saw her. Wait, Amelia was here, but she was silent and sticking to the background as usual.

“Go on.” Jenna needed to know what he was going to say. She’d lived through what happened and still wasn’t sure of how or why.

“On Diza, some of our females were born to be frya. There has never been a male frya in our history. Very few frya’s are born at any given time and it’s understood that one of them is fated to the next king. There are different males fated to the next queen. There was only one of those males born in the last one thousand years and he died with my sister. They were apart, but the time of death was the same. He would have been a brother to me.”

Jenna could hear the pain and sorrow as he spoke of his sister and his soon-to-be brother. How could she ignore the pain inside of him and think of only herself? Was she selfish or had she experienced so much that she knew to take care of herself first? She gave a slight tilt to her head and acknowledged what time had taught her. If she didn’t take care of herself, she wouldn’t have any fucks to give about anyone else’s problem.

“Frya grow up hearing voices and having visions. This happens until she meets her fated.” SaKura stopped to look at Jenna, his fated mate. To meet a human frya still took him by surprise. When he finally came to terms with being the next king, sadness dwelled deep within his heart that he would not have a frya as a queen. He would rule; there was no choice, but it would not be what it could have been with a fated mate by his side.

“Your father rules without a frya,” Jenna said.

“Look what happened to us. There was no fated to give him a warning of what the Tan-ge were up to. He regrets that. No one knows what happened to his frya. There are rumors that he rejected her and others that she did as a youngling. Either way, he became king without a fated allowing him to partake of many females and have children with them. That will not happen to me. There will only be one fated mate, and my children will all come from her.”

“Wow, slow your roll, buddy. I haven’t agreed to keep you and I’m not sure about children.” She hadn’t thought that far into the future. It was hard enough to think about today and maybe tomorrow. “Keep talking.”