Page 22 of Shadows of Desire

Jenna’s heart thundered. How could an alien winking have that kind of effect on her? Darn Bella, why did she have to teach him how to wink?

She frowned and turned away, not wanting him to see what he was doing to her.

“Let me tell you how we acquired a chef.” He placed his hand on her elbow as they walked out together while he regaled her with Cleo’s story.

“It’s about time the two of you got out of bed. I thought I was going to stand in the kitchen for hours and twiddle my thumbs,” Cleo said. She gave both of them the evil eye before going to the oven to check on the food she was preparing. Jenna took an educated guess when she called it an oven. The kitchen had been through another upgrade. Aliens, they got the job done.

“That smells good.”

“I made you quiche for breakfast.”

“I’ve never had quiche, I’m looking forward to it.” Jenna took a seat at the island and gave Cleo one of her signature smiles. SaKura took a seat at her side.

“I’ve never had this dish, either. Variety in human food is rare, but what you have is tasty.”

“Maybe the Diza will trade some of their spices with you. I think you would love them and the Diza would gain from the cross-pollination.” Jenna was driving herself crazy, looking for any innuendos in Cleo’s words. Eventually, she ate the food Cleo gave her and started humming with pleasure. Everyone should eat this way.

“I know this is government housing, but we should make it more comfortable on the inside,” Jenna said between taking bites and chewing.

“Government housing?” Cleo turned her head like a curious cat.

“A long time ago where I grew up, there was a part of the city that was referred to as government housing. The sperm donor used to talk down on it. He said derogatory things like the people who lived there were lying on their behinds, refusing to get a job. I might have thought that before I got to know some children who lived there through school. Their parents worked one and two jobs and still had trouble making ends meet and buying food and clothes. I always thought of government housing as a way to keep the struggling masses down while saying we care. Tell us what you need. We’ll help you. As long as you stay quiet and live in your hood like a good citizen.”

“You’re a strange female,” Cleo said. “I think one day you will make an excellent queen and your sister will be an excellent ambassador.” Cleo finished eating while Jenna sat in stunned silence.

“I’ll be the queen of Diza one day?” She knew that, but it wasn’t something she dwelled on. It was like a movie was coming on at a certain time. Maybe she’d watch it, maybe she wouldn’t. No big deal.

“Yes, you will be the queen of a planet full of monsters.” Cleo laughed so hard she fell off her chair. Like a cat, she landed on her feet.

“I’ve got issues,” Jenna said. Then she turned around and began to punch SaKura in the arm. He ignored her and finished eating.

“Is there more?” SaKura asked.

“Dude! I’m beating you up. Please acknowledge that.”

“Is that what your tiny fists were doing? I thought you were telling me how much you cared.” Jenna gaped at him while Cleo slid another slice of quiche onto his plate. Jenna lifted her plate and when she had more quiche, she poured another glass of apple juice for herself and SaKura.

She was not acting like his servant. It was rude to take care of herself and not his empty glass. There were no feelings of wanting to take care of her male. Nope, nothing like that.

“I… I mean, how can your people allow an earthling to rule at your side?” She couldn’t justify it in her mind. There must be other races that were more in tune with the galactic political system. She barely kept up with the politics on her planet. It seemed to change every couple of years.

“Who else would I choose to reign at my side?”

Reign at his side. She was getting dizzy. Her eyes were starting to gray out. How could she rule at his side? If she ran for a political office, they would laugh her off the ballot.

“Jenna!” SaKura caught her before she hit the floor. Moving his stool back, he placed her on his lap and brought her plate and glass of apple juice closer. “You need to eat.”

“I never thought, I can’t imagine. Me, a queen. There must be someone laughing their ass off behind the scenes.” Yes, she cursed, but it was needed.

“I do not believe our goddess is laughing. I don’t believe your deity is either.” She found it strange to think that a different culture and people who were so far away from them also believed in a higher power. It made her think there was something to the different religious groups on the planet. Maybe they knew something she didn’t. It was easy to stop believing after the hell she’d lived through.

“Maybe you’re right.” She sat up and decided to stay where she was as she finished eating. The thought of sitting on someone’s lap never entered her head. She always considered herself too fluffy for that. It took several minutes, but she began to relax and cuddle up on his lap before she laid her head on his chest.

One minute she was on his lap, the next she was on the floor.

“Earthquake!” Jenna screamed.

Chapter Fourteen