Page 20 of Shadows of Desire

Jenna put the chocolates down and led SaKura back to the oversized chair he’d been sitting on. When he sat, she climbed into his lap. Silence filled the room as Jenna squirmed until she found a comfortable position.

“I never did this before. I never desired to sit on a male’s lap. You make me want things that scare me.”

SaKura could have told her not to be afraid of him, that he didn’t scare her. It was what she was feeling inside that frightened her. He understood all too well. She was his mate, his frya. Now he was weary, if not downright scared of the burden that being one-half of a mate would be. His brother made it look simple, but SaKura realized what he was looking at was a lifetime commitment.

“I don’t know if this is going to work. There’s only one way to find out.” Jenna pulled his head down and laid a tentative kiss on his lips.

Chapter Twelve

“Ican’t believe I did—” SaKura cut her off with a kiss Jenna felt. Her lashes fluttered and her heart stumbled. What was this mystery that was happening with nothing but lips locked together? A kiss had never felt like this, even before her past haunted her. There were a few awkward kisses in middle school. None of her own will in high school. None of those kisses felt like this. He licked at her lips until she opened her mouth. His tongue darted in. What the? Her toes were curling and strange, glorious feelings were rumbling through her.

The peaks of her breasts were getting hard. She felt a flame in her belly that was dipping down, making her want to squirm. She didn’t have feelings like this. Was it getting hot in here? She pulled back, not sure of what was happening.

“I’m sorry,” she wailed. What had gotten into her? Why did kissing him feel so good and what was going on with his tongue?

“For what? Kissing me with enough passion to burn me or for making me want you more than I thought possible? Maybe you’re sorry that when your lips locked with mine, I could see forever in your eyes. Tell me what you’re apologizing for.” The last came out as a growl. Instead of shivering in fear, she felt like his voice touched every place that had been hidden for years.

What was she apologizing for? She slid off his lap, jumping to her feet.

“You’ve been warned.” So she had. Her legs were shaking, and her feet were tapping out a rhythm. This was stupid, she raged in her head. It didn’t matter because she wasn’t listening to herself. The part of her that was taught to hover in shame and fear threw off that long winter coat. It didn’t fit anymore. She was thirty-five going on sixteen and sixteen going on thirty-five. The new life she had to explore was filled with bright colors. There was darkness in the corner, but she’d lived enough to know that darkness would always try to infiltrate and rain would come. For once, it didn’t matter. She wouldn’t borrow against tomorrow’s trouble.

Jenna dropped the towel she was desperately trying to hang onto and fled, leaving the bedroom and SaKura behind.

SaKura clenched his hands while deliberately counting to fifty. When he reached that number, he stood and changed into his princely loincloth and stalked his prey. He listened intently for the sound of ragged breathing or the slide of warm flesh against furniture. His ears perked up, listening for the sound of barely there footsteps. There was nothing. The predator in him rose in victory. The female who was his mate, his prey, was also his equal.

The door to the back was slightly ajar, with Kala lying in front of it. His mate had asked his vicious pet to provide cover for her, and Kala agreed. A low growl came from Kala as he stood to defend his post.

SaKura challenged him with a low, guttural growl. Kala jumped, using his back legs to thrust him toward SaKura, who met him in the air. They fell to the ground, clawing at the other while Kala went for SaKura’s throat. SaKura rolled, pinning Kala under him. He jumped back when Kala’s teeth went for his unprotected shoulder. Kala jumped to his paws while SaKura crouched. Monster and beast stared at the other, forming a plan to render, tear, and kill.

SaKura ran for Kala, who was coming for him. He jumped over his massive body, landing on his back. Sakura’s face was looking at Kala’s tail. The fight was on as Kala bucked and rocked, turning his head enough to snap his deadly teeth at his master and friend. SaKura used his knees to ride Kala like a bucking bronco while trying to turn around on his back. Kala came to a sudden stop before rearing. His backside went up dislodging Sakura, who was airborne, desperately clutching for something to hold on to. His back hit Kala’s back, and the Draxar started bucking. SaKura reached his hands over his head, grasping for the long spikes that protruded from Kala’s throat. Kala went wild running circles in the kitchen, crashing into cabinets and the fridge as he tried to get SaKura to lessen his grip. Sakura hauled himself up using Kala’s spikes, ignoring the warm gush of blood dripping from his hand and arms. When he was secure, he let go. The next time Kala bucked, SaKura flipped, his body coming down hard on his stomach. SaKura used his knees to anchor himself and threw his arms around Kala’s throat, ignoring the spikes that were piercing him. He applied pressure until Kala’s movements slowed. When the Draxar dropped to his knees panting, SaKura rolled off him.

SaKura beamed at Kala with pride as he ruffled his coat of fur. He pulled himself to the fridge and pulled out two thick steaks. Opening the door, he placed them on a plate.

“Kala, you’ve outdone yourself,” SaKura said in his native language. “You have earned your reward and my blessing. You will protect my consort and your mistress.” SaKura gave him one more pat of praise before he went to find his frya.

Pride filled him that Jenna enlisted Kala as her protector. He scanned the horizon. There was no trace of his mate, but he knew she was close. His eyes closed as he took in the scents in the air. The wind blew, bringing to him the scent of the laith flower. The scent of his mate.

He followed the path of the scent. Deep, guttural growls came from him. It was a warning that he was coming for her, as well as a promise. He stalked Jenna, hearing the occasional rustle when she got too close to a bush or a tree. Her footsteps were silent. He gave her silent praise for how far she’d come. His mate was a fast learner.

When he pinpointed her, he went around. Jenna was learning, but he was the ultimate predator. He laid a trap and waited. A smile graced his mouth, showing his dangerously sharp teeth when she fell into his trap.

Jenna lost her way. She was running towards the road, but she’d gotten turned around. Fallen trees and other debris cut her escape path off. She wasn’t comfortable walking over them naked and barefooted. She changed course enough to go around what was in her path. It would take longer, but there were no signs of SaKura. Why was her head swiveling like it was on a track? She could almost feel him watching her, plotting. Kala should keep him busy enough for her to escape. She was the ultimate hunter, not prey, and she planned to prove it. She went from walking to jogging and then outright sprinting when she felt SaKura breathing down her neck.

Jenna dodged rocks and shrubs. She even jumped over some tree branches in the way. She was going to do this. Pride burst in her head. She was more than the malicious words whispered about her over the years. She might be damaged, but not broken. The clearing was up ahead and she put on a burst of speed that didn’t give her time to slow or change direction. She ran into the waiting arms of SaKura. Why didn’t she feel like she lost?

“You have made me proud, mate.” He held her close as she panted, trying to catch her breath. They stood there silently. Jenna’s arms snaked around SaKura’s waist and she rocked until he was rocking with her. It was a simple side-to-side move, but within the movement, their hearts aligned without their knowledge.

SaKura picked her up bridal style. The conquering male returns to his domicile. This time Jenna initiated the challenge. Are you good enough for me, fast enough? Can I trust you to care for me?

The challenge was presented, met, and answered. He could provide for all her needs and more.

He kicked the bedroom door closed behind them, lying her on the bed. There would be no shower. He wanted his mate like this. Wild and free, with the scent of sun and wind mixed in with her natural scent. He wanted the primal being, not the female who could host a dinner party or best a president.

He kissed her with ferocious hunger. His lips met hers in a kiss of dominance, an age-old game of seduction. There were no winners or losers, but she yielded and he took until she wrapped her legs around him and became the dominant bottom. The guttural sound he made complimented the alto moan that came from her. She pushed, and he turned to his back, taking her with him.

“Mine!” It was a snarl of possession. She hummed with approval. Jenna attacked his lips. Somewhere she was sure that a small Jenna had enormous eyes and would be appalled at her wantonness, not that Jenna the woman cared. She gave her growls as she kissed him. Dominating his mouth. She let out a growl before she licked down his neck. The thought of what it would be like to make love… no, have sex with a male on her terms was already there. She had been too devastated to think about it. One day, she would have to thank Cleo for a new lease on life. Forgetting the being who was older than her but looked younger, she worked her way down to SaKura’s chest.

There was a fire inside of Jenna. She could feel it in her chest, touching her breasts, making her nipples harder. That fire was also in her belly, snaking down between her legs, causing her pussy to weep. Where had the thought that she was old and dried up come from? She rubbed against SaKura like she was a woman in heat. Humans didn’t have heats only those forbidden stories that she bought and read on her phone.