Page 15 of Shadows of Desire

Chapter Nine

You can’t be that far away from me. Ha! SaKura must think she was born yesterday. No wait, what was the saying? I was born at night, but not last night. Yep, that’s it. He’s a silly, foolish male. What did she see in him? Wait, what? There was nothing to see in him. Just because she’d been dreaming about him for months didn’t mean anything. Sure, he treated her like a gentleman in those dreams, as gentle as a monster can get. Still, it meant nothing. Was it getting hot out here? She wiped her brow, wondering about all the sweat.

“Where are you going?” Jenna jumped, not realizing she wasn’t alone. Hadn’t she just scanned her surroundings less than a minute ago and no one was there? She must not have been paying attention.

“Quick, did someone misplace a runway model?” The girl, well, she seemed older than a girl, but Jenna would be surprised if she wasn’t twenty, maybe closer to eighteen. She could be sixteen. She was so beautiful, making Jenna feel a bit jealous. “Shouldn’t you be in school, or you know, dripping wet in a bikini, holding some god-awful perfume you’re selling?”

“He said you were funny. I like you.”

“He?” The girl who may be a woman standing in front of her was around 5’8 with the prettiest hazel eyes she’d ever seen. Her brown skin was smooth, and it shone from whatever goodness and joy she had inside of her. She had a toned and sleek physique, and Jenna wanted to feed her a hamburger simply because she looked like she hadn’t eaten in a while.

“School?” The young woman frowned, looking like she wasn’t sure what Jenna was talking about.

“You know the free educational system?” Why had she felt the need to tack that free on there? Probably because of the people who wanted parents to pay to send their children to school. This pay-to-play society was messing with her head.

“The American education system?”

“Aren’t you American, and what’s your name?”

“You may call me Cleo, short for Cleopatra.”

Jenna looked her over again. Whoever her parents were, they were correct with the name. The woman looked like a Nubian queen.

“Hi, I’m Jenna and I like your parent’s style.” Cleo got in step with her when she started walking.

“You never told me where you’re going.”

“Anywhere he isn’t.” She pointed to the house behind her.

“Do you think that’s wise?”

Jenna would have answered, but she was having an asthma attack, something she had grown out of by the time she was a teenager. Her suitcase hit the ground as she doubled over, trying to breathe.

“Jenna!” Cleo’s arms went around her. She tried to pick her up, but Jenna was fighting her. She went to her hands and knees and started crawling until she passed out.

Cleo sprinted for the door of the house that Jenna pointed out. She pounded on the door. SaKura opened it, took one look at her, and ran to get to Jenna. He picked her up, watching as her breathing approached normal.

“That’s the problem with frya mates. They are stubborn and don’t take care of themselves. They’re too worried about the world around them. You, my mate, are more stubborn than most. You refuse to acknowledge that you know me. Four months may not be a long time, but it’s long enough for you to know who I am.” He shook his head. Jenna didn’t pass out, but she also wasn’t awake. She was drifting in that place that only she had access to unless he was asleep and could join her there.

“One day,” . “Watcher?” He asked it as a question, but he knew the answer. The female sitting on his couch had the aura of a watcher.

“Cleo is short for Cleopatra. I’d greet you, but your hands are full.” He looked at Jenna curled against his chest and smiled.

“I’ll be back.” He took Jenna upstairs into their room, which felt cold to him. He placed her on the bed, pulling the cover over her. Then he stoked the fire and left her alone to speak to the watcher.

“I wasn’t expecting a watcher,” he said. He was standing at the bottom of the steps, looking at Cleo.

“You thought that your brother, who isn’t the crown elect would get a watcher for his mate, but you didn’t rate.”

Didn’t rate? He mulled that over until he realized it was slang and what it meant.

“You’ve spent a lot of time on this planet.”

“I love this planet. The young people are doing so much, opening their eyes and the parties are out of this world.”

He took in the curve of her face and the locks she was wearing. He learned what locks were from Thad, who had a head full of them.

“Are you related to Thad?”