Page 10 of Shadows of Desire

She forced her eyes open even though they tried to resist the command. She was in a large room with bland beige walls. The bed felt like heaven, but that wasn’t what she was concentrating on. Someone was lying next to her. Jenna made a pact with herself years ago, so that only her sister or the dog she desperately wanted could sleep in her bed. No one else was welcome. She didn’t like breaking promises she made to herself, especially the one that stated she wouldn’t allow any men into her bedroom.

“I’m not going anywhere,” SaKura said.

How had she managed to break her number one promise to herself? This wasn’t her bed. Was the promise broken?

“Where are we, and why are you lying next to me?” She didn’t mention the lack of a shirt, scared of what he may say. Did he take advantage of her? He was the winner, the dominant one, right? Wasn’t it his right to divest her of clothes and use her? That’s how she’d grown up, but she no longer believed that. Visions of running in nothing but her thong like SaKura in his native loincloth came back to her, suggesting he had nothing to do with her being naked. A quick shimmy on the bed confirmed that her thong was gone. She hated that string between her cheeks, but he didn’t have the right to strip her.

“What happened to my thong?”

Was that small scrap of fabric she was wearing called a thong? He found it attractive, but could only imagine what she would look like in his native garb. There was a stirring inside of him as his primal desire rose to claim what was his.

“If you’re referring to that enchanting piece of fabric covering your femineity. I sacrificed it to shower you. I didn’t think you would appreciate waking to the sheet sticking to your skin and the enchanting scent of having spent so long outside in the beating sun.”

“Enchanting?” Her mind skipped right over the shower part. “You’re the reason I was outside, running and sweating. You!” She turned over and pounded his chest. When had she discovered violent tendencies? She didn’t know, but it didn’t stop the desire to keep hitting him. It felt like a pressure valve had been opened, and all the ick sitting inside of her was flowing out. Not once had SaKura raised a hand to stop her or hurt her.

That was the sick part. She felt safe with him, like she could express every burden she carried, and he would help her carry them.

“I don’t trust you and I don’t like you.” She finally said when her arms were tired and her fists ached. She flopped to the side of the bed.

“I know.” He stood, allowing her to see his round, perfect ass. Just because she wasn’t interested in sex with anyone didn’t mean she couldn’t appreciate SaKura’s assets. When he turned around, she almost swallowed her tongue before she turned her head sharply in a different direction, hurting her neck. It was to no avail. She wouldn’t forget what she saw. The image of his long thick monster cock was burned into her retinas.

Two could play that game. She stood and stretched. Before she could say anything, there was a pounding on the door. What was she going to wear? There was no way she was answering the door naked. Even SaKura slid into a pair of jeans before going to the front door. When she saw the bag with PINK blazed on it, she laughed. Jenna didn’t know how or even why, but her sister had been there.

She picked up the bag and dumped it on the bed. There were several changes of clothes and even the shirt Jenna had been trying to talk Bella out of since she bought it. True, she could have bought one like it, but where was the fun in that? She wanted her sister’s shirt.

There was a note attached to the shirt. This shirt and my pregnant belly don’t go together. I’m letting you borrow it. Jenna cackled, couldn’t help it. Bella knew she was never getting this shirt back. She put on the black and white patterned shirt along with a pair of blue jean shorts. There were no shoes, but she’d take care of that later.

Taking a deep breath, she prepared to walk out, only to find SaKura in the doorway blocking the entrance. Her bare feet made no noise as she approached the door. The way SaKura moved without turning to look at her said he knew she was there.

“I just want to come in, like a friend. You know buddies. We can drink a beer or two and shoot the shit,” Agent Scarlatti said.

“We’re not friends.”

Jenna frowned; she’d met the agent on more than one occasion. The first time was when he came to her and Bella’s house to drag her sister away.

“Agent, what a surprise. SaKura, do you know who this is? He’s the reason my sister and Rakha are together. We must treat him as a wise elder.”

“Elder?” Agent Scarlatti sputtered. “I’m about your sister’s age, which makes me younger than you.”

Jenna smirked. The poor agent didn’t like being called old. Probably because the feds get so many young recruits every year.

“I didn’t mean to insult you. I simply meant to honor you for what you did for my sister.”

“Uh, huh?” She couldn’t see him, but had no problem imagining him rolling his eyes.

She went to stand behind SaKura and then moved to the side, her hand planted on the small of his back. She still didn’t trust him, but the enemy of my enemy and all that. Was Agent Scarlatti her enemy? She wasn’t sure on which side of the fence he was sitting.

“Jenna, I haven’t seen you since the wedding. You left early.” There was a slight accusation in his voice.

Jenna ignored it. He could throw around as many innuendos as he wanted. She was where she needed to be on that occasion.

“You’re the reason I’m here.” Jenna’s eyebrow climbed to her forehead before she pushed SaKura aside enough to see and be seen.

“Rumors of my death have been exaggerated.” She grinned at him. SaKura was half in front of her. Was he protecting her or ensuring she didn’t escape?

“That was so funny.” He gave a fake laugh and hit his thigh before standing up straight with a neutral face. “The Vice President told me that madame President wanted me to visit in case this one,” he pointed at SaKura. “Was silver-tongued enough to rope some poor human into mating with him.” The agent’s eyes went to her neck and shoulder, which he could see since the shirt she was wearing was off the shoulder.

“Too late. He attracted a simple female.” She’d show him simple. SaKura moved to stand in front of her.