Page 7 of Shadows of Desire

Bella shook her head. She didn’t know. Jeffery and his wife were bad news, and she wanted Jenna out of the line of fire.

“We could go to the police,” Bella said. She didn’t like that option, but what choice did they have?

Jenna vigorously shook her head. Her father had been a cop, and they were the last people on earth she wanted to deal with.

“Yeah, I feel you.” Bella crouched down in front of her. “Was that it? Nothing else? I have a hard time imagining you passing out over that. When it was happening, maybe, but not in my home where you know you’re safe.”

Darn her sister. She really knew her too well. She cast around for another excuse and went with the semi-truth. Anything else and Bella would scent a lie. Those enhanced senses weren’t working in Jenna’s favor.

“I thought I knew SaKura. It’s from the voices in my head.” Bella gave her that look that called her on the carpet but put her lips together, saying nothing.

“Give me time. I don’t know what’s happening.” It was all Jenna could say and as close to a plea as she was willing to come.

Bella dropped her eyes and nodded her head. “Just think how nice it would be if you fell in love with SaKura and mated him. We’d both be married to princes.”

“You used to have your feet planted firmly on the ground. No pie in the sky or rose-colored glasses for you. Was it the pregnancy that changed you?” Jenna exaggerated her shiver. “I’m never getting pregnant.”

Bella cast her a sad smile. Neither of them was willing to delve into the trauma they experienced at the hands of their sperm donor. Jenna caught most of it, being five years older than Bella.

“If SaKura bothers you, I will kick his ass.”

“Look at my sister, she’s so bad…”

“Badass Jenna, curse words are your friend.” Jenna laughed, the sparkle coming back to her eyes.

“Food is my friend, and I’m hungry.”

“I’m hungry too. Let’s get our eat on. Thad’s food…” Bella put her first three fingers against her lips and kissed them. “You need a Thad. I mean, Amelia can cook, but she won’t be with you forever and you’ll starve without someone to feed you.”

“Haven’t you heard of TV Dinners?” They moved through the door and down the steps.

Bella shuddered. “That was out of my worst nightmare.” Jenna would pay good money for her worst nightmare to be about frozen dinners.

“We’re back,” Bella said. “Jenna is fine, and the baby is hungry. Let’s eat.”

Jenna wanted to kiss her sister. She took all the attention from her and placed it on the baby. No one was going to jeopardize this pregnancy.

“I could go for some Thad food.” Jenna smiled at Thad. They had gotten to know each other after the disaster that happened at Bella’s reception and then over the last couple of months. She liked the shifter, who was an alien observer. Everyone needed one of him in their lives.

“Come on, we need to get my niece and my favorite sister fed.” Thad led them to the dining room and then went through the attached door to the kitchen.

“Jenna is my only sister,” Bella said, exclaiming. Thad’s laughter floated in from the kitchen.

When he came out, he looked different. Thad looked like a forty-year-old white man when he was hiding his true self. Now he looked like who he was. He was tall and slender, with brown skin and locks. His signature tail that reminded her of a horse. He was also crazy-powerful.

Between Rakha’s power and Thad’s, who was devoted to Bella, Jenna could sleep at night.

“How long are you staying?” Jenna asked. Thad had given them a first course of soup and salad and now that her stomach wasn’t trying to eat her backbone, she could think. Between skipping lunch and running, like a wild woman on an unfamiliar planet, she was famished.

“A week or a month, maybe several hundred years.” SaKura tried on a human shrug. It looked weird on him; she was happy that he didn’t have his shoulder spikes out.

“Don’t you have some princely things to address?” What the heck did royalty do? She never got into the British royal family and as far as she knew, they were more for show than the actual running of the country.

“I’ve been doing princely things for years.” She could hear the humor in his voice and almost wanted to smile at him. She didn’t, though. Her mind was putting up danger signs. That way leads to the abyss. Abort, abort. “I’m older than I look.”

Bella glossed over the fact that Rakha was older than her. Now she wished she had pressed her for more information.

“It seems strange that the king would want his children to be so far away from home. Especially one that may one day wear the crown.” SaKura’s skin paled just a little. One for Jenna, too many for SaKura.