Page 31 of Shadows of Desire

SaKura brought her one, just in case. She might be wrong, but didn’t think he had it lying around. The color was a cross between pewter, brown, and berry. It wasn’t a color she ever remembered seeing on the Earth. That made it stand out. The reddish shine made it not only beautiful but rare.

“Did you pick it out for me?” Please let him be thinking about me even though I was running from him.

“I did. Your sister said you and she looked alike. Your skin was almost the same color as hers. When I saw this, I thought you’d look beautiful sitting in it.”

Jenna blinked fast, hoping that would keep the tears at bay. Not that the Duran would look nice, but that it would complement her looks.

“When I watch movies, I’m the one yelling at the screen, don’t do it. You’ve only known him a week or two at the most don’t fall for him. I also advocated they get chastity belts and went on a retreat where there were lots of trees and nuns to help them find spirituality. Look at me falling for the guy and finding spirituality at the same time.” She pulled him close, kissing him until they couldn’t breathe.

“I go into the house to make you lunch because you still haven’t eaten and come outside to find you sucking face. Didn’t you get enough of that in the shower?” Cleo stood with her hand on her hip acting like she was older… wait, she was older than she looked.

“Stop acting like a granny,” Jenna said. She tried for stern, but laughter came from her. Cleo winked at her.

“Come eat and then you can teach Jenna how to use her new ride.”

“Is it hard?” Jenna was sitting in the driver’s seat. The back of the Duran opened, giving them room to get in and find a seat. Four seats were facing each other. The top half of the vehicle was all glass, allowing her to see out from whichever seat she chose. It turned on with a tap of a button. SaKura programmed her fingerprint into the Duran. It sounded like a warm purr wrapped around her when it was running.

“That sound is meant to comfort you.” Mission accomplished.


“Not all visions are…” He stopped to think. “Friendly?” She nodded, knowing what he meant. There had been times she woke crying or shaking in fear. That’s what happened every time she saw herself and Bella dying in that earthquake.

“We’re working on driving cars but nothing this advanced, not yet. Do I drive on the road or in the air?”

“That’s your choice. This will do whatever you want.” She wanted to get her sister and show off her new Duran.

“There are two ways to drive this.” She gave him a quick grin. He was saying things like drive, so she’d understand. “You can input your coordinates here or you can use this.” He placed a small tool he pulled out of the Duran against her temple. It bit her.”

“Ouch, what was that?”

“It allows you to form a link with the Duran. Tell it to turn off, not with words. Think of it. Whatever word you give to stop, or start, will be the word that will be programmed into it.”

“Halt.” She jumped when the engine went silent.

“Good, now tell it to start.”

“Begin.” The soothing hum of the Duran wrapped around her, making her feel safe. SaKura smiled at her with his pointed teeth on display. She was so used to seeing them, they didn’t phase her now.

“Please tell me we are going somewhere?” Cleo said. She was outside looking in. The windows didn’t roll down like a car, but Jenna was sure she’d get used to it.

“How comfortable are you giving the Duran directions?” He pointed to his temple.

Jenna told the Duran to begin and then to rise. Then she told it to halt, and it did up in the air. She looked down to see Cleo laughing her behind off.

“Um, yeah, so this happened.” She spread her hands, indicating that they were at the tops of the trees stuck in the air.

“It’s very literal. If you say park at the river and not park in the space by the river. It will park in the river or the parking space. If you want to stop, tell it where to stop. If you want to fly above traffic, you need to say that. It will also display a map on the windows to tell you where you’re heading. I don’t think you’ll have a problem with it.”

“Take me down to the ground, then halt.” The ride was smooth. Everyone was going to want one of these. They could make a fortune selling them. She didn’t need a fortune; she mated to a prince who would one day be a king.

It was going to take days, months, years, maybe centuries for that to sink in. Was it finally becoming real that she mated to a monster and didn’t care? No one other than her mother and sister ever cared for her. Now she had somehow hit the jackpot to find a male who may look like a monster on the outside but acted like a smitten prince on the inside. It was more than she ever thought to ask for. She sent a small thank you to the higher powers, as she decided to call them.

“Let’s put my shiny new toy through its paces.” She winked at Cleo, who was getting in, and said see you later to SaKura as he stood and watched her take off. “We’re going to pick up Bella. I wasn’t being the best sister when I walked out.”

“You guys needed space. The thought of your cousin betraying you is a lot to stomach.” Jenna turned to look at her and then realized her eyes weren’t on the road. She looked back to see that the Duran had switched to automatic pilot. “I’m going to love this.”

“I’d pay good money for one. Right now, they won’t sell them off the planet.”