Page 30 of Shadows of Desire

“You’re right there were, but those who could do it were not born as often until there was no one who changed forms left,” SaKura said.

“I was wondering what if the Tan-ge could imitate the forms of animals? If one of them could take the place of Kala or maybe the pit bull that used to live next door to us. What if they could become the president’s dog and listen into private meetings?” What if they could take the shape of a human like Rakha could? She didn’t want Amelia to know that.

Amelia jumped up. “You’re worse than a conspiracy theorist. The Tan-ge if they’re real, can’t change shape, no one can. Jenna, you’ve been reading too many books. If I had my way, I’d burn those books, and you’d do something constructive with your life. Not this hogwash. Do you think God has blessed you? Why you, after the way you allowed your father to use you? That’s why you ended up with him.” She pointed at SaKura. “No one else would want you. As for you Bella, there’s no excuse for why you’re having the child of a monster. I’m out of here.” Amelia stomped through the room and out the front door, swearing to never come back.

Jenna pinned Bella with her eyes. “I don’t trust her.”

Bella’s nod was slow in coming, but she agreed with her sister. They had taken Amelia in, but she may have been the weak link they’d been looking for.

Chapter Eighteen

“Jenna, what the hell was that all about?”

“Every time we move Jeffrey and his wife find us. We’ve moved four times in four months. How the heck does that keep happening? I wondered, but I thought no, that can’t be right. This time when I looked at her, I knew. That’s why I didn’t want her to know that Radka could make himself look human if needed.”

“Impossible, she’s our cousin.” Bella was pacing, her hand rubbing her baby bump for comfort.

“Don’t you think I know?” Jenna started pacing the two of them passing each other like ships in the night. “Someone got to her. Poisoned her mind with things that weren’t true. Don’t ask me how or who, I wasn’t there. Her actions and words prove me correct.”

“I know you’re right, but I don’t like it.”

“I’m not overjoyed myself. Right now, we have to focus on what happened and why. You’re going to have to talk to her.”

“Why me?” Bella sat down with a plop on Rakha’s lap. His arms went around her while he whispered comforting words into her ear.

“You’re the one she didn’t betray.” Jenna wanted to hug Bella, but if she did then she’d break down. Her heart wouldn’t be able to take Amelia’s betrayal if she stopped to think about it.

Spending more time with Bella would remind her of when they were all kids. The fun and the laughter, even though they were going home to a father who liked to suck the joy out of life. Being outside and running around had been good and when she was down, it was often those memories that brought her back to life.

Jenna left, hoping that SaKura and Cleo would get the hint and come with her. Either way, she couldn’t stay there another minute. SaKura was fastening his seatbelt by the time she was turning on the Hummer. Cleo sat in the back silently.

“I guess we’re going to have to give this back.”

“Yes, but I have something better being delivered to the house. It may be there before we arrive.”

“You bought me a vehicle?”

“Yes, and no?” The look of confusion on his face made her want to laugh. “I get it. Yes, you brought me a car, and no, you didn’t.”


“Where’s Kala?”

“He’s at the house.”

Jenna nodded and turned on some music. Lord, it was country. She and Bella had an eclectic taste in music, listening to anything that caught their fancy. Right now, they were playing Beyonce’s Jolene. She hummed the tune as she pulled in front of the house.

She stopped when she saw a flying car. It wasn’t on the ground and there weren’t any wheels.

“What is that?” She jumped out of the Hummer, tossing the keys on the seat. A door slid up when she touched it.

“I had it keyed to your touch.” She whipped her head so fast to look at him her neck hurt.

“This is for me?” It was so strange looking, not like a modern car, but it was also sleek, and she wanted it.

“It’s programmed to follow the rules of Earth driving, but it will also take over for you the minute the voices or the visions pull you away. This is a Duran.”

She remembered him telling her about them. It was what they gifted to a frya when they reached maturity. He brought one for her, not knowing if she was his mate or a frya, but he hoped she was both. She wanted a bicycle on her twelfth birthday. It was pink and white. Back in the day, she was a girly girl. It had the basket and all the other girls had one, and she wanted to feel like she was part of what was happening in the neighborhood. Her father wouldn’t get her one because she did something. It wasn’t worth remembering what, but when she finally got the bike the next summer, the thrill was gone.