Page 1 of Shadows of Desire

Chapter One

“You have got to be kidding me,” Jenna complained. She was sitting on the couch watching the news. Her life was such that she tried to watch out for every bad thing that could happen, hoping to avoid it. She hadn’t had much luck.

“What’s up?” Amelia asked.

Jenna cast her a look. They were cousins, and honestly she felt like she was in the same situation she’d been in with her younger sister, Bella. Amelia and Bella loved her. They never looked down on her, but they also felt she wasn’t street-smart enough to be left alone. That was galling, but they may be right. No, no, they were wrong, right?

“I’m watching the news and more of the Diza are coming to Earth.” The Diza were a race of large purple monsters. She shouldn’t think of them that way. Bella, her sister, was married to one. Bella was pregnant, but that didn’t stop Jenna from being wary. If you were an alien monster race, why wouldn’t you send the nicest monster in your midst to Earth to start negotiations?

That’s who Rakha was. He was a prince on his planet and a warrior. He was also the monster who loved her sister. As far as Jenna was concerned, he had a heart of gold, but she didn’t trust the rest of them. There were too many spoiled apples in the human DNA for her to believe there weren’t any in the Diza pool.

“There’s nothing you can do. Why do you worry yourself over all of this?”

Jenna shook her head. Trying to talk to her cousin sometimes made her mental. Amelia walked around with her head in the sand or the clouds. She refused to believe, or she believed too much in the situations happening around them. They’d been living together for almost four months and Jenna still wasn’t sure which one it was. There were times she looked at Amelia and there was nothing but darkness in her eyes.

“Someone has to care, to worry. Isn’t the saying that it starts at home?” Jenna asked.

“I’m pretty sure you’re screwing that saying up. You keep worrying about the monsters coming to the earth. I’m going to cook. Please tell me you don’t anticipate a G-man knocking on your door to pull you away?”

Jenna shuddered at the thought. That happened to her sister. Living through that nightmare once was enough, thank you.

“Nope, I don’t anticipate that. Please, make breakfast. I’ll watch the news.” Jenna waited until Amelia left the living room before she let out a deep sigh. The best thing about having her cousin here was that she could cook. Like it or not, the voices in her head prevented Jenna from remembering that she needed to monitor the food. Bella banned her from the kitchen years ago.

“How many of these monsters are we going to allow on our world before we exterminate them?” She was watching a controversial news channel, to put it mildly. With her sister being married to one of those monsters they wanted exterminated, she felt it necessary to keep her finger on the pulse of the nation.

There was also the fact that every country on Earth had accepted a Diza ambassador and mated him off to one of their female citizens.

“If that isn’t bad enough,” the same reporter said. “They are now beginning to spawn. That’s right, I said it, spawn. Like the monsters they are. The poor, misguided, and brainwashed women are showing off their baby bumps with pride. I shudder every time I see one of those pictures. Are we, the American people, going to accept those half-breeds as human? I say no way!”

Jenna shuddered. Despite not caring who said what or that her sperm donor was white, Jenna’s DNA carried the firm imprint of the years of being a slave, as her mother was . She struggled with the constant need to stand up for herself and the knowledge that more Americans treated her poorly than most liked to admit. It was all there. It sat on her shoulders as she made her way through life, smiling. Why smiling? Because crying wasn’t going to help her.

Half-breed, you think you can pass, were words she heard as a child. Then there was that six-letter word people like to shout at her. It was worse when she was younger. Now it was more underhanded, but it was still there and that’s what these sweet babies were going to face— what her niece or nephew was going to face. It made her sick to her stomach. No one wondered, not even the so-called controversial news stations if the Diza were trying to bring in monsters that would take over the world. They were focused on speculating about the interests of those who would engage in sexual activities with monsters. Then there were the ones who thought monsters were beasts we should be able to track and kill. They weren’t worried about America or the planet. They only wanted their gain. The trophy head of another race on their walls.

Jenna flipped to a different news station. No one understood why cameras couldn’t capture the Diza image. She knew why, but she’d never tell them. Their resistance to being filmed or photographed meant that no one could see who was coming to earth. They didn’t land ships here but used what she called ‘beam me down, Scotty’ technology. She missed the days when the only monsters walking the planet were the human ones.

There have been debates about whether the children of the Diza and earth women should be regarded as human and citizens of this great planet by design, or whether they should be treated as Diza and given diplomatic immunity. Right now, it’s just talk. I wouldn’t be surprised to see it come up before Congress in the next year or two as more Diza make their way to our planet.

There was a brief commercial, and then another reporter started talking.

“It has now been proven that our women can mate with them and bear their children, or at least conceive with them. I guess we’re all waiting anxiously for one of them to be born. Bella, our American, mated with a Diza and is pregnant. I think we will have to see if more American women choose to be subjugated to a monster and bear its spawn before we can say this will be a trend, a fad, or the beginning of the end of humanity.”

Really, Jeff? Jenna huffed quietly. The end of humans. It was such… She was too mad to say anything in the face of that blatant hatred. They were playing to the fears of the American people. Women now wanted an exotic monster lover. They acted like they could keep them as pets and bring them out to show their friends and put them away again. Men were concerned that the aliens were going to take their women. A monster might want the trophy wife clinging onto their arm or their baby’s momma. Neither of those scenarios was going to happen.

Hmm, she might be wrong. Not every wife or girlfriend was loved and treated accordingly. If you couldn’t treat the woman you were with right, then as far as Jenna was concerned, the person who stole her from you should be rewarded if they loved and treated her right.

Ugh, none of this was her business. She wouldn’t be going off with a Diza, that’s all that mattered. It was one reason she turned the house down that Rakha, Bella’s mate, provided for her.

“Jenna,” Amelia called from the kitchen. “Did I tell you Bella invited us over for dinner tonight?”


SaKura hoped to come to earth and meet up with his brother. President Lincoln, who preferred to be called Madame President, said no. He didn’t argue. He was the royal who may one day take over the kingdom. His cherished brother, Rakha, was too far down the line of succession. SaKura was second in the line. Considering their father had been fourth in the line of succession, they all knew it was possible not to be the crown heir apparent and still wear the crown. Even though he had spent his life preparing for the eventual reality, it was the last thing he wanted. That’s why he shouldn’t be sitting in a conference room while men from Earth sat in an unfamiliar room looking for ways to use him.

It was hard not to smile when he realized that Rakha hadn’t told them about the sensitive hearing of the Diza. He told SaKura that he hadn’t felt any of the people he met other than his mate and possibly her immediate family were worthy of the Diza secrets. SaKura would continue the same practice. He closed his eyes and leaned back into the too-hard chair to listen in on the private conversation.

“Why is he here?” Mark Croft, the alien ambassador, asked.

“Madame President allowed him to be here. We’re in charge of taking him to his brother without incident.” Alan McCarthy, the Vice President, said.