Page 81 of Shark 2

Clever bastard!

I stood, carrying my glass with me as I made my way over to the adult table. I leaned my elbows on Reed’s shoulders, swirling my glass with a smile as I waited for Silver to make his toast. I set my glass down right next to Reed’s, set my hands on his shoulders, and leaned over to kiss his cheek.

He glanced at me, but when I just smiled at him, he returned the smile and turned as Silver stood.

Silver raised his glass. “To family. No matter what life may throw at us, we’ll be together and will help each other through it all.”

I quickly grabbed Reed’s glass and raised it, smiling wide. “To family!” I shouted.

We all clinked our glasses together and took a drink of the sparkling wine.

Reed immediately sputtered as the tablet caused him to foam at the mouth.

I laughed so hard I grabbed my stomach and doubled over.

“How did you know?” Venjo demanded.

I tapped my ear. “I heard the soft clink of the pill. You almost got me, though.”

Reed chugged his water to clear out the pill’s effects. “You brat,” he growled at me.

“Serves you right for all the times you’ve teamed up with them against me.”

As we made our way to the living room for games and dessert, I slipped an extra cookie onto Tanjin’s plate.

He gasped, eyes wide, and I winked at him. “My informants are always paid well.”

“What happened to, ‘snitches get stitches?’” Jong-hyun teased.

I screeched in surprise, not having heard him sneak up on me. Spinning around, I sweetly said, “That’s only when it’s against me.”

He slid his arms around my waist and nuzzled my cheek before whispering in my ear, “You’re such a naughty auntie.”

“Ew! No kissing!” Aketa and Zulkaz yelled simultaneously. The twins often spoke and acted at the same time. Their twin bond was similar to Jong-min and Jong-hyun, but stronger since they were younger.

“You’re no fun!” I teased them, spun and held out my arms. “Can I get hugs from you then?”

They yelped and ran away from me.

“Come back! Auntie wants hugs!” I yelled as I chased them around the living room.

“You’re going to tickle us!” they yelled over their shoulders.

“I would never!” I gasped.

Jong-min caught me around the waist, pulling me onto his lap on the couch. “Stop tormenting the children. It’s late and they need to let their food digest first.”

“Spoilsport,” I sighed.

“I challenge Kass to charades!” Antoine said as we debated what games to play.

“Can’t handle how badly I defeated you last time?” I asked.

“You lost,” he said.

“That’s not how I remember it,” I countered.

“That’s because you were hammered,” Theo countered back.