“If I win, you have to cook us dinner at the restaurant,” she said. “If you win, we’ll cook you dinner at my place.”
“Wager accepted,” I said and smiled. She was so going down.
“Don’t break anything!” Silver ordered us as we headed to the pool tables.
I raised my hand to let him know that we had heard him.
Once inside the room, I went to the wall where the pool cues were, clicked the button to open the secret compartment, and pulled out my custom cue. The stick was black with silver swirls and a tiger shark in the center. It was perfectly weighted and had cost quite a bit of money, but I loved it and used it every chance I could get.
“Coin toss for break?” Theo asked.
I shook my head. “You challenged me, so I get to break. Don’t act like you don’t know the rules.”
She laughed. “Fine. Go ahead and break.”
While she racked the balls, her boyfriends and my mates came into the room. I thought they were going to watch us, but instead, they split up to have games of their own.
Jong-min took the table next to ours and kissed my cheek as he waited for Antoine to rack the balls on their table. “You look beautiful,” he whispered. “Being mated suits you.”
“Why thank you.”
“Also, you better win this,” he whispered and kissed me again.
“What did you guys bet?” I asked.
“You’ll have to wait to find out after I win,” he said and moved to start the game.
“Are you done flirting? Ready to play?” Theo teased even though she had just finished racking the balls.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, Your Majesty,” I said with a mock bow before bending over the table to play.
Soon, the room filled with teasing, the sound of the wooden sticks hitting the balls, and the balls hitting against each other. It was the surround sound I loved, but made even better since it was all my friends in the room for once.
“Remember that first night that we met Kass,” Grant said.
“Quite a first impression,” Reed said with a nod.
“So, when I win, what are you going to cook me?” I asked Theo as I hit yet another ball into the pocket.
“I think a vegan meal,” she teased. “Lot of vegetables.”
“Rude,” I said and stuck my tongue out at her.
She laughed and we ended up playing two out of three, which I smoked her in both my wins.
With a resigned sigh, she said, “I’ll make you some delicious food. Maybe tacos.”
I skipped out of the room and back to the bar top where Silver had two drinks waiting for us.
“Judging by your smile and Theo’s scowl, I’m going to guess you won?” he asked as he started making another drink for someone.
“Of course I won,” I said and flipped my hair over my shoulder, purposefully smacking Theo with it.
She sputtered as the hair hit her face and pinched my arm. “Brat.”
Laughing, we both clinked our glasses against the other and took a big drink.
I knew this perfect, calm, happy time would have bumps in the future, but I pushed those thoughts out of my mind to enjoy the happy time now.