Page 75 of Shark 2

“Don’t worry, there is no pixie dust lite in there,” Zara said with a wink.

“A toast, to our sister and her happiness,” Zyra shouted and raised her glass in the air.

“To Kass and her happiness!” Zara shouted.

Everyone in the bar cheered and toasted as well.

I was pretty sure my face was going to hurt tomorrow from smiling too much tonight.

“You sure you don’t want us to try to help with your fertility?” Zara asked.

“I’ve been doing research on it and there are spells and potions that can help,” Theo added.

I shook my head. “Thank you, but we’ve spoken about it and at this time, we don’t want children. If that changes, I’ll let you all know, but as of right now, we don’t foresee kids in our future.”

“One Kass is enough trouble for us,” Jong-min said as he came up behind me, draped his arm around my shoulders, and kissed my cheek.

“True that,” Theo teased. “I’m glad I can pass her off to you guys. I’m exhausted. I think she took ten years off my life.”

I stuck my tongue out at her.

She whispered something and a flower appeared on my tongue making me cough and wildly scrub it off.

Everyone laughed as I chased her around the bar, Theo included.

After getting a good pinch in, I went to the bar and sat to face Silver. “You ever think this day was going to come?”

He smiled. “I hoped you would find your people, and while I was hesitant to like them at first, they really proved themselves and their love.”

“Yeah, they are hopelessly in love with me,” I agreed with a laugh.

“It’s hard not to love you,” he said as he made me another drink.

“Except when I’m pissing off your patrons and causing damage to your bar.”

He laughed and said, “Even then, I was still filled with pride. You were able to play those men so easily and made so much money. It was hard to believe, but I watched you do it again and again.”

I blinked in shocked silence. He’d never said he was proud of my pool shark habits before.

“Are you dying?” I asked.

He rolled his eyes. “I realized after almost losing you and the girls that life is short and I need to tell you three how I feel more often. I want you to know that I am proud of you and am so happy to be part of your life.”

Tears sprang to my eyes and I said, “I’ll take that drink now.”

He smiled and put the drink on the bar top in front of me.

“I challenge you!” Theo shouted.

I spun on the barstool to face her with an arched brow. “What kind of challenge?”

“Me versus you at pool,” she said.

My eyes widened. “You’re challenging me to pool? Me? The ultimate pool shark shark?”

She nodded. “I’ve been practicing and I’m certain I can defeat you now.”

Hopping off the stool, I smiled and said, “What are the terms?”