Page 71 of Shark 2

“Perhaps we could alter our report slightly,” Antoine said with a loud sigh. “There was a lot of smoke and I was watching you fly through the air instead of focusing on the target.”

I hugged Antoine and kissed his cheek, ignoring the growl I heard behind me from Jong-min. “Thank you.”

“You owe me one, Shark,” he muttered as he walked away.

“Ditto,” Phil said.

“Okay, bye! Thanks for coming!” I yelled and waved as they walked over to Theo, Damien, and Tristan.

“You sure you’re okay with owing a hunter?” Grant asked as he and Reed joined us.

“I’d rather owe them then see my best friend go to prison for the rest of her life.” Especially when this was the first time I had seen her with men who she seemed to truly be happy with.

How could I not do whatever was within my capabilities to let her continue dating them and see if this was her happily ever after?

I had found mine, and if I could help my friend in finding hers, I would do whatever that meant, including owing a favor to a terrifying member of an organization that used to hunt Theo and I.

Maybe I could make Antoine my friend and he could protect us from future hunter interference?

Yeah! That sounded like a great idea.

“What are you thinking about?” Jong-min asked and tapped my forehead with his finger. “You’ve got that, ‘I have a crazy scheme’ face on. It worries me.”

“I never come up with crazy schemes,” I said with a huff and spun away from them to head towards the destroyed restaurant.

“Lied the pool shark shifter woman,” Grant whispered behind me.

“Said the card shark dragon shifter man,” I countered.

“Ha!” Reed laughed. “She got you there.”

“You’re all a bunch of sharks,” Theo said as she walked over to hug me. “And I think you’re great, serrated teeth and all.”

“So, going to introduce me to your boyfriends?”

She flinched and chuckled awkwardly as she stepped back. “Um, Damien and Tristan, meet my pool shark bestie and her shifter card shark men.”

“Uh, what?” Damien asked.

Theo and I burst into laughter and hugged each other as we laughed until we cried.

Silver, Zara, and Zyra joined us after handing over the tied-up witches that had been assisting Roman.

“What’s so funny?” Silver asked.

“We really are a rag tag group of people,” I said as I looked around. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


It only took a week to rebuild the restaurant and Silver’s bar and replace all the items that had been destroyed, thanks to help from the community.

Luckily, business was even more popular at the restaurant after the twins’ fans heard they’d almost died. That exaggeration had caused many to up their plans for visiting. Jong-kyu was punished by the twins for teleporting them away and preventing them from helping me by being forced to serve food, which caused an uproar in the community when the fans learned there was another brother. He gained his own group of fans who started coming to the restaurant and had numbers slipped to him every single night.

He wouldn’t admit it, but we could tell his smile as he floated around the restaurant, serving the women was genuine. We had a betting pool for how long it would be before he was mated. Due to his popularity and the number of dates he started going on, he got his own apartment, which gave us back our privacy.

Theo had cried and hugged Antoine when he told her they weren’t going to report her use of the illegal spell. The hunter had blushed furiously and it wasn’t long before her two boyfriends became three.

My plan to make friends with Antoine to keep hunters away from us became much easier after that.