“Well, you just got a stamina boost, so hopefully it’s not going to be you.”
She sighed. “This is the most annoying fight I’ve ever been part of.”
Behind Roman, I saw the two hunters approaching.
“They’re behind him now,” I said. “I’m going to distract him so you and the hunters can attack and hopefully catch him off guard.”
“How are you going to distract him?” she asked.
I winked. “You’ll see.”
Did I have a plan? Nope! But I was the queen of going with the flow. So, that was my plan.
Taking a breath, I refocused on the rage simmering inside of me from Zara’s spell. It resurfaced and I shifted into my shark warrior form again. Letting my mouth open wide to show off my full-sized shark teeth, I squatted down, flexed my muscles, and sprinted away from Theo and at Roman.
He tried to hit me with some ice shards, but I zig-zagged, dashed towards the restaurant, ran along the sidewalk a bit, then ran towards him again.
As he turned to fire off a spell at me, Antoine drew his sword and jumped in an arc to try to cut into Roman’s shoulder.
Roman rolled to the side, stopping him from using the fire spell.
It gave Theo a chance to shoot off her own fire spell that hit him squarely in the chest, sending him flying back through the air to slam against the side of a building.
Was that it? Had we defeated him? It seemed too easy. For someone who was supposed to be a crazy strong villain, he hadn’t put up that much of a fight.
Looking at Theo, I saw her squatted down to relax for a moment while we waited to see what would happen.
“Kass!” Antoine yelled.
As I turned, an electric green magical whip wrapped around my midsection, jerking me up and towards the building where Roman had fallen.
Screaming in pain, I almost immediately blacked out.
Sharks were very susceptible to electric shocks and the amount coursing through me was almost enough to kill me.
My limp body was thrown through the air, but I couldn’t open my eyes, let alone try to stop my fall.
I hit something solid and warm that smelled like Jong-min.
The warm thing vibrated against my head.
Ringing in my ears lessened and external noise increased.
“Can you hear me yet?” Jong-min asked.
“Min?” I whispered and realized that my voice was hoarse. Was it from me screaming while being electrocuted?
“Can you open your eyes?” he asked.
I tried, but failed, and it hurt to even try. “Hurts,” I hissed.
“I’m trying to heal you, so stay still,” he ordered gruffly.
How could he be mad at me? I didn’t do anything wrong.
“He’s not mad at you,” Jong-hyun whispered and I felt his hand on mine. “He’s mad that you are hurt.”
Had I said that out loud? Was I speaking and didn’t realize it? Should I stop talking so that I didn’t declare that I desperately wanted to be the filling to a twin sandwich again? It had been months since I’d last had that chance and I was craving it.