Theo loved cursing people, though she normally only did it for a short period of time. Just long enough to get her point across to them that they shouldn’t mess with a witch.
My phone rang at the same time that someone knocked on the door.
The guys all approached the door cautiously.
“Hello?” I answered.
“It’s my guys,” Theo said as she approached the door.
“Where are you currently?” the hunter asked.
“My pack’s restaurant. It used to be my parent’s restaurant.”
“Yes, I know which it is. Stay there. We are on our way.”
“Understood,” I said.
Jong-min, Jong-hyun, Grant, and Reed stepped back at Theo’s declaration, but kept focused on the doors still.
Theo pulled open the door, a smile on her face.
As the door opened, a huge explosion sent us all flying backwards.
Coughing with ringing so loud in my ears that I was dizzy, I slowly sat up.
“Kass! Kass!” Reed called out, his voice far away and distorted by the ringing in my ears.
There were so many sounds and ringing and … pain.
“Kass! Get up!” Grant bellowed. His yell was immediately followed by a scream of pain.
Grant was in pain?
Not just him.
I could hear other cries of pain.
Forcing my eyes open, I took slow, even breaths as I surveyed my surroundings.
The front door of the restaurant was blown apart and now a gaping hole. There was shattered glass all over the restaurant from the front windows that had been on either side of the door before it had exploded.
Theo was outside on the street, magic swirling around her in a dazzling and almost blinding display. Her wig was gone and her short, natural hair stuck out like she’d been electrocuted. Her eyes glowed white as she shielded herself against magic blasts being shot at her.
Grant and Reed stood just outside what used to be the front door, bodies shifted into warrior forms, but both were not fighting or even attempting to join the fight.
Where were the twins? I couldn’t see them, so maybe they were outside.
Zara bent down beside me, blood dripping down her face, and started using magic to heal me. “Are you okay, Sister?”
“I’ve been better,” I wheezed as I struggled to sit up.
Silver grabbed a chair nearby, smashed it against the ground, and spun the now splintered chair leg in his hand like an ax. “Stay down if you’re too injured to fight, Daughters.”
“I can’t be outshone by an old bastard like you,” I breathed and tried to stand, but my knees wobbled and I fell.
Zyra put her hands in my armpits, lifted me to my feet, and slapped a hand on my shoulder. “That’s my sister. Let’s go show this enemy what happens when they mess with our family.”