I turned and smiled at the twins’ brother. “Hello, brother of my boyfriends.”
He hissed. “It is ridiculous they are dating you.”
“You don’t even know me,” I said and put a hand on my hip. “Besides, it’s not up to you what they do. They’re adults and capable of making their own decisions.”
“Why won’t you just let them go?” he asked with a scowl.
“Uh, because I love them, duh.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, then you can leave me alone.”
“Don’t accept their offer to be mated,” he said urgently. “Please.”
One of the bakery workers came out, wiping her hands on a cloth. “Are you ready?”
“Can you give me that chocolate cake?” I requested and pointed at the one in the display case with bright flowers decorated on it.
“Certainly,” she said and grabbed a box to put the cake in.
“You aren’t good enough for them and they’re going to ask you to be their mate! It’s insane!” he snapped behind me.
Sighing, I turned and said, “What’s insane is you thinking you can come here and tell me what to do. What’s insane is you going behind your brothers’ backs to try to ruin the happiness they’ve found.” Smiling to show my shark teeth I said, “We’ve fought for this happiness and I’m not going to let you or anyone else ruin it. If you want to talk to someone, go talk to your brothers.”
He took a step closer, his body starting to glow as he drew on his magic. Cat ears popped up from his head and his hands turned into lion paws with large claws. “You will listen to me.”
With a deep sigh, I pulled out my phone, videocalled Jong-min, and turned the camera to face his brother. “I have a situation,” I said.
Jong-min growled loud and started shouting in their native language.
His brother reverted to human form, saying something softly back.
I turned the camera towards myself and made a kissy face at him. “See you at home.”
“Smack him upside the head if he says anything else,” he ordered me.
I saluted him. “Yes, sir!”
He muttered something in his language I’d heard quite a few times and was pretty sure was akin to, “crazy woman.”
Taking the boxed cake from the worker, I smiled and said, “Have a wonderful day.”
Cake obtained, I skipped to the checkout line. I was determined not to let anyone ruin my day. Especially not a grumpy feline shifter who didn’t know me.
Especially when it seemed like our pack discussion tonight might involve a mating discussion. No, it would, because even if they didn’t bring it up. I one hundred and thirty percent would.
By the time all of the guys finished work, came home, and changed clothes, I had dinner ready and on the table.
I’d also put just a little bit of makeup on and changed into my favorite jeans and a comfortable black t-shirt I had stolen from Grant. I had first stolen it because it smelled like him, but now I wore it because it was something of his. I had a shirt from each of the guys in my room now that they had seemed to accept were now mine. Reed had also given me his largest sized sweater that I wore when we hung out on the couch watching shows and relaxing.
“This smells delicious,” Reed said and kissed me on the side of my head as he one-arm hugged me.
“Hopefully it tastes as good as it smells,” I said as we all took seats at the dining table.
Jong-min and Jong-hyun suddenly stood and went to the door.
Reed, Grant, and I looked at each other curiously. Since they looked at confused as me, that meant they hadn’t expected a visitor either.
The twins returned with their brother behind them. He bowed his head and said, “I apologize for my rude behavior up to this point.”