He leaned back and shook his head. “Don’t apologize. I’m sure seeing me with her was painful, but I want you to know that absolutely none of my hesitation was due to being attracted to her or not being in love with you.” He set his hand on the side of my face and smiled sweetly. “You’re the greatest woman I’ve ever met and I wouldn’t trade you for anything.”
“We’ll never be able to have pups,” I whispered sadly.
He nodded. “I knew that when we started dating and my resolve to continue being with you hasn’t changed. Can you forgive me?”
“Honestly, I want to say yes, but … it hurts still.” I looked down at his chest and he pulled me into a hug again.
“I’ll earn back your trust, no matter how long it takes,” he swore.
“Can we just … cuddle and watch shows with everyone?” I needed the physical touch and group atmosphere.
“Anything you want, babe.”
The flight back sucked a lot, but I survived and almost kissed the ground in relief after landing.
After dropping off the suitcases, we headed to Silver’s to meet Theo. I’d promised her that I would see her as soon as I could and since the flight landed in the early evening, we’d agreed Silver’s was the best place. Plus, I was in desperate need of a drink and a familiar, safe place to drink it in.
The bar was busy, but not unusually so, Tonka even welcomed me back and fist bumped my guys. We quickly found Theo seated at the bar talking to Silver with a big, burly man I didn’t know beside her.
Silver spotted us first and whistled. “My daughter has returned from the land of sand!”
Several of the regulars cheered, which made me smile wide.
Theo hopped off her barstool. Her cute black skirt was paired with skull leggings, a bright pink sequin tank top, and a white wig. She’d also done her makeup flawlessly; the colors matched her outfit. “Kass!” she screamed as she rushed forward and hugged me.
I nearly fell due to her attempted tackle-hug, but managed to keep my balance. Laughter burst out of me and I squeezed her tight. “I don’t think you missed me at all.”
“You are going to make me go prematurely grey,” she accused and stepped back, hands on her hips.
“Good thing you wear wigs all the time then,” I said and winked.
Her cheeks puffed. “You had assassins after you! Assassins! Can’t you just go on a calm, quiet vacation?”
“Apparently not,” Jong-min muttered.
Reed walked up to the bar and smiled at Silver. “Evening, Silver. Can I get two old fashioneds and two of those new red beers?”
Silver looked at him and folded his arms over his chest. “I’m not sure you get a drink.”
“Silver,” I chastised as I walked over to stand beside Reed at the bar top. “Don’t be hard on him.”
“No, he’s right. I have a lot of apologizing to do,” Reed said and put an arm around my lower back. “I’ll spend the rest of my life doing it, too.”
Silver lowered his arms and nodded once before grabbing glasses to make the drinks Reed had ordered. “As long as you acknowledge your mistake and work towards rectifying it, that’s good enough for me.”
Turning to my left, I looked at the guy who’d been talking to Theo when we’d walked in. “Sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
He smiled at me and a chill ran down my spine. “I’m Damien. It’s nice to finally meet you, Kassidy.”
As I shook his hand, realization hit me and I gasped, stumbling back away from him. “Or-Orca!”
“It’s okay, he’s not—” Theo tried to grab my shoulder, but I turned sideways before she could grab me. Fear coursed through me like lava in my veins and I stumbled away from her.
“What’s wrong?” Jong-min asked as he and Jong-hyun came up behind me, standing protectively on either side of me.
Damien held up his hands placatingly. “I won’t hurt you.”