“And they really don’t care about sharing you?” Tiffany asked.
I shook my head. “Nope. They’re all friends and this was something they’d planned to do when they formed their group.”
Although I was certain they hadn’t foreseen ending up with someone like me.
“I’m jealous. My man would flip his lid if I even suggested it,” Lana said and pouted.
Chuckling I said, “I hear a lot of humans are staunchly monogamous.”
They both nodded.
I shrugged. “Whatever works for you. I honestly thought I’d end up single the rest of my life, so ending up with four is a huge bonus.” Or three, depending on how this went. I still hadn’t spoken to Reed since the event.
It felt like he was avoiding me, but I also wasn’t actively reaching out to him, so I couldn’t fault him too much.
Samantha walked in wearing a stunning dress, the front cut all the way to her belly button and held up with what had to be dress tape. The emerald green color brought out her eyes and looked great with her skin tone. She sat at the other end of the bar, flipping her hair over her shoulder to block me from her line of sight.
I snickered at that and took a long drink with a satisfied smile. She could avoid looking at me all she wanted, that was fine with me.
“I can’t believe she came back here,” Lana said with a scoff.
“You’re much more stunning than her,” Tiffany said to me. “She’s definitely jealous.”
“Thank you,” I said. “We’ll just ignore her and enjoy ourselves, okay?”
They both nodded vigorously and held up their glasses so we could cheers.
The girls took turns telling me about themselves and I listened as well as I could while also paying attention to the game. An hour in and Jong-hyun was out.
He walked into the bar, up behind me, and slid his arms around my waist, resting his chin atop my head.
“Sorry you lost,” I said and patted his forearm where it lay on my stomach.
“We all knew only one of us could win. I just had hoped to last longer.”
“That’s what she said,” I snickered.
He chuckled and squeezed me. “Incorrigible.”
“Want a drink?” I asked.
He nodded and released me.
“Let me move,” Lana said and got up to sit on Tiffany’s other side so Jong-hyun could sit on the stool beside me.
“Thank you,” he said and took her vacated stool. The bartender came over and gave him a drink on the house for losing.
“I see she is here,” Jong-hyun whispered as he raised his glass up to drink.
I shrugged a shoulder. “I assumed she would be.”
He took a drink and watched me, brows furrowed.
“What?” I asked.
“You’re much calmer than I expected you to be.”
“Well, I can’t go around causing scenes everywhere. I’ll probably get arrested here if I bite someone’s arm off.”