“Oh my god, you’re dating twins?” Lana asked, mouth agape.
“Hot twins,” Tiffany breathed.
“Yes, I am,” I answered and turned to him. “Congratulations on winning your game.”
He dipped his head. “Thank you. Are you ready to get something to eat? You’ve been drinking quite a bit without consuming any nutrients.”
“You could just say you’re hungry and know that I’m likely hungry, too,” I countered and pouted at him.
He tapped the tip of my nose. “Flower, you are very predictable. Now, let’s go before I have to carry you out.”
“Text us!” Lana said as I waved to them and let Jong-min lead me away.
Once we were a good distance from them, he turned and asked, “Who was that woman that upset you earlier?”
“The female werewolf who is assigned to be Reed’s mate,” I answered.
He stopped walking, looked at my face to see if I was being serious, and cussed in two different languages. Immediately, he pulled out his cell phone and sent out a few text messages.
“She’s going to try to seduce him tonight,” I added.
“She will fail,” he growled and stomped towards the restaurant we were meeting the others at.
“Am I prettier than her?” I asked, not actually needing to hear the answer to know he thought I was, or really caring.
“Without question,” he said without turning to look at me. “I only noticed her because you were scowling at her and your teeth got longer.”
My teeth got longer? He’d noticed that from where he’d been across the room?
“She called you guys losers and it pissed me off,” I admitted. “I don’t care what she says about me, but her insulting you guys was what upset me.”
“The wolves have a habit of talking poorly about anyone who are not wolves. It’s part of why I dislike them and was so resistant to Reed in the beginning.”
“Well, if she were smart, she’d be trying to win you all over as well instead of alienating his best friends,” I said.
“She’s clearly not as smart as you,” he said.
For some reason, that made me even happier than him telling me I was prettier than her.
“Are you trying to seduce me right now? Because it’s totally working,” I said breathlessly.
He chuckled, turned around, stopping us at the entrance to the restaurant, and pulled me flush against him. “Tonight, I will show you exactly how I feel about you, since I was unable to do so last night.”
“Why tonight? Why not right now, in the bathroom or elevator or hallway.”
He smiled, one of his rare true, wide smiles, and kissed me deeply. “When we get back home, I’m going to take you to my favorite location and there, I will make love to you under the stars until you are unable to walk the following day.”
“Min, you’re not making me any less horny,” I said and waved my hand at my face, which was definitely blushing.
“Come, let’s eat,” he said and tugged me into the restaurant where the others waited for us. “Later will come fun.”
Grant, Jong-min, and Jong-hyun discussed plans to foil Samantha’s seduction attempt that night while we ate dinner. I didn’t pay too much attention to them, since I knew Reed wouldn’t sleep with her tonight; he wasn’t a cheater.
“What if we convince him to get his sperm frozen and give it to her?” I said as I ate my dessert.
Three sets of eyes pivoted to me.