Page 28 of Shark 2

“No, it is us who should be thanking you,” Jong-hyun said with a shake of his head. “You leapt into our world and showed us what love is supposed to be. Showed us a future we hadn’t truly thought was possible. Thank you, Kassidy, for existing.”


Grant and Jong-hyun chugged energy drinks at breakfast due to our late-night escape that had us returning to the room well after midnight. After dessert, we’d gone for a walk around the casino and they’d explained some of the games to me, extending the relaxing evening and the joy I felt returning to my chest.

Jong-min and Reed seemed irritated that we’d gone out by ourselves without alerting them, but didn’t say much aside from a random growl or two, which was honestly their more common response to most things.

Once they got checked in, the guys all grew very serious and quiet. I stayed at Jong-min’s side, at his request, as the rest took turns going to play. Jong-min had the latest start and he said it would make him feel better to have me with him. I found that really odd considering the grumpy feline shifter usually just growled at me, but I wasn’t going to look a gift cat in the mouth.

“You won’t be able to stand near me while I’m playing,” he explained as it neared his time. “They would be too worried about you cheating. There is a bar with a view of the table I’ll be at, so you can sit there, drink, and look pretty.”

“Aw, you think I’m pretty?” I teased to lighten the mood.

“Pretty aggravating,” he grumbled, but I knew he was only teasing me.

I kissed his cheek and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, giving him a tight squeeze. “I love you, tiger.”

He sighed. “I keep telling you that I’m not a tiger.”

He did, but it didn’t stop me from saying it often to get the wearied sigh from him.

“I’m sorry I snuck out of bed last night,” I apologized, since I hadn’t had the chance to do so yet.

He set his hand on my forearm across his chest and patted it twice. “It’s alright. I understand the occasional need to escape, especially when sleep evades you.”

“When we get home, will you sing for me?” I asked.

“If I win my matches today, I will take you to karaoke and sing for you there,” he promised.

My mouth dropped and I nodded vigorously. “Yes, please!”

He kissed my cheek and stood. “Go to the bar there, please, so I can see you while I play.”

I grabbed his face between my hands, squishing his cheeks and kissed him hard on the lips. “Go get ‘em, tiger.”

He sighed, but smiled, and shook his head. As he walked away, he said something in his native language that I was beginning to understand was closely related to “what a brat,” in English. Someday, I would learn their language.

Heading to the bar he pointed at, I ordered a drink and sat down to watch him play.

The noise in this area was quieter than a normal casino, but that was due to the poker games and people being a bit more respectful.

Two women sat down next to me, chatting animatedly to each other as they ordered a drink. Both wore club dresses that showed a lot of cleavage and barely covered their butts. As I looked at them and compared my own jeans and t-shirt, I wondered if I had underdressed for the occasion.

They noticed me looking at them and smiled.

I returned their smile, with lips closed, and raised my glass in salute.

They did the same and then moved closer.

“Are you here with one of the players?” the one in the red dress asked.

I nodded. “You two?”

The one in the blue dress nodded. “It’s our first time.”

“It’s my first time here, too,” I admitted. “My guys have been here before though.”

“I’m Lana, this is Tiffany,” blue dress introduced.