Page 25 of Shark 2

“I haven’t recorded any of my new songs,” Jong-min said like that explained it.

“Here,” Reed said and handed me his cell phone.

I took it and my mouth dropped as I looked at the picture of Jong-min and Jong-hyun on stage with what definitely looked like makeup on their faces, hair styled to perfection, and a huge crowd before them. “I’ve heard of you guys!” They were a hugely popular duo that had taken not just their country by storm, but the world. Women were so obsessed with them that they had followed them around the world on their tours, just trying to get a chance to talk to them. One day they’d just quit doing it and no one knew why.

I had a feeling that now was not the time to ask them about why they’d quit though. I didn’t want to bring up something that would dampen the mood.

“Wow, I bet a ton of girls would lose their minds if they found out I’m with you,” I said and chuckled softly.

“Yes, you are very lucky,” Jong-min said with absolutely no shame.

“What about you?” I asked Grant. “What hobby do you have?”

“I don’t really have one right now,” he said and shrugged one shoulder. “I’ve done a lot of things over the years, but haven’t had a single hobby stick that I liked so much.”

“Maybe we could try new ones together,” I offered. “Since I don’t have a hobby either.”

“Pool sharking isn’t a hobby?” Reed teased.

“No, that’s a business,” I said and smiled.

He returned my smile and laughed while shaking his head. “Incorrigible.”

“You could start a jewelry business that involves shark teeth, since yours grow back indefinitely,” Jong-min suggested. “Lots of humans like shark teeth and shark teeth jewelry.”

“You could even have Theo enchant them to sell for more as an enchanted protection charm. I bet they’d sell well,” Jong-hyun added.

That was … a good idea.

“Maybe,” I said, “but I don’t know if I can create jewelry well. I’ll have to try it.”

“We can help,” Jong-hyun offered immediately. “I made jewelry with my mother a lot when I was young.”

“Your jewelry was always wonky,” Jong-min said with a scoff. “I will teach you.”

“It’s a date!” I said excitedly. “We can do that when we return from our trip.”

“Reed hasn’t told you his hobby yet,” Grant commented.

All of us turned to look at Reed who was staring deeply into his glass of whiskey. Was it my imagination or were his cheeks flushed? Was he embarrassed?

“I haven’t done it in a long time,” he said softly. “But I like to create furniture.”

“Like modeling it or building it?” I asked.

“Building it,” he answered. “I like to take driftwood or wood that’s been tossed to the side and repurpose it into something beautiful.”

Why on earth would he be embarrassed about that?

“That sounds awesome,” I said.

“He’s really good, too,” Jong-hyun praised. “He took some driftwood and colored epoxy and some enchantments and made a gorgeous coffee table.”

Jong-min tsked, which made Jong-hyun flinch.

Grant’s face fell and Reed suddenly shot to his feet.

“I’m going to the bathroom, I’ll be back,” Reed said as he hurried away from the table.