Page 35 of Beautiful Butterfly

His mate punched his claws into Solomon’s chest and ripped out his heart. The muscle dropped from his hand as Wyatt knelt there and wept.

Alister shoved his hands against the bed and forced himself to roll over and drop to the floor. He cried out when pain shot down his side.

Wyatt twisted around and moved toward Alister, staring down at him. “I failed you. That monster got his hands on you, and I couldn’t stop him.”

Alister shook his head. “He didn’t touch me, Wyatt. I swear. The only reason I’m naked is because I shifted and hid under the dresser.”

His mate leaned up and snatched the blanket from the bed. He curled it around Alister then picked him up and cradled him. “I love you, butterfly.”

“I love you, too.” Alister buried his face in Wyatt’s chest. “Please get me out of here.”

It wasn’t until they were downstairs that Alister realized that Cannon and Deputy Tenshi were there. He curled tighter into the blanket as everyone entered the elevator. No one said a word as they rode down.

When they entered the parking garage, Wyatt turned to Cannon. “I’m going to drive my mate home in my rental. Let Ian ride with you.”

Cannon nodded, his gaze flickering to Alister before he looked away. “Let me know when you make it home.”

“Sure.” Wyatt walked to a red sedan, opened the back door, and lay Alister down. “Get some rest, sweetheart. You’re safe now.”

As the door closed, Alister turned over and pulled the blanket over his head and closed his eyes. Until that moment, he didn’t realize how exhausted he was. The gentle rocking of the car lulled him to sleep.

When he woke, Alister pulled the blanket down and saw it was dark outside. He had no idea where they were, but when he sat up, the glow of the moon showed flat land on both sides of the highway.

The time on console read 3:16. He looked at the rearview mirror and saw that Wyatt’s eyes were barely open. Alister touched his shoulder, and his mate’s eyes instantly widened. “Why don’t we get a room for the night?”

Wyatt yawned and sat up straighter. “You asked me to get you home.”

“I asked you to get me out of there, and that’s what you did.” Alister glanced at the passenger seat, but he doubted he could climb up there with a thick blanket wrapped around him. “Please get a motel room before we end up as cow patties.”

“Okay.” Fifteen minutes later, Wyatt checked them into a room. He came back to the car and lifted Alister from the seat, making sure the blanket was securely around him. Alister glanced to his right and grimaced when he saw a cemetery. What genius decided to put a roadside motel right next to one? Did a ghost come complimentary with every room? The lack of safety lights only made everything seem creepier.

Wyatt walked up a set of external metal stairs to the second floor then stopped in front of room 213. The window had cloudy corners, and the red door was faded and filled with dents and scratches.

“Nothing but five-star for us,” Alister joked as his mate opened the door.

“Hopefully the room isn’t infested with bugs.” Wyatt used his foot to push the door open.

“Why did you have to put that in my head?” Alister crinkled his nose from the image and the musty smell of the hot room. He was afraid to let Wyatt put him down as he looked around for anything crawling.

“I’m sure the room is clean. It’s just seen a lot of travelers.” Wyatt set Alister on the bed. “Let me turn on the AC so the room cools off.”

Sweat was already gathering on Alister’s forehead as he stared at the stained threadbare carpet. His head shot up, and his heart raced when he heard footsteps pass by the door then fade.

Solomon was dead.

Wyatt had killed him.

The guy wasn’t coming for him.

The AC unit sputtered and groaned before finally rattling to life. Wyatt sat on the bed beside Alister, causing the springs to squeak loudly under his weight. His mate removed his dress shoes, and Alister suddenly realized he was in a suit. He also noticed blood on the white dress shirt.

“Just let me get a few hours of sleep and we can get out of here.” Wyatt slid back on the mattress and lay his head down. Then he reached for Alister and pulled him into his arms. Wyatt’s hold was tight around him, one muscular leg thrown over Alister’s slim ones as if he had to hold on for dear life.

Although he wasn’t tired, Alister remained quiet so Wyatt could get some sleep.

The danger had passed. He was safe, so why couldn’t he get out of his own head? He closed his eyes but quickly opened them when he envisioned that Taser in Solomon’s hand and the joy in his eyes as he used it on him. It had felt like he’d touched a live wire.

The promise of what Solomon would do when he returned from his meeting still haunted Alister. He’d sworn to end Solomon when he returned, but instead, he’d hidden under the dresser, too terrified to come out.