Page 31 of Beautiful Butterfly

When Solomon returned, Alister was ending that monster once and for all. Because his heart, body, and soul only belonged to Wyatt.

Chapter Ten

Wyatt wasn’t used to the noise and congestion of a bustling city. The cacophony of car horns, sirens, and chatter of pedestrians was a stark contrast to the quietness of a small town. He took a deep breath, trying to block out the sounds as he walked into the restaurant with Ian.

This was the venue Solomon had chosen. Wyatt lingered at the door as Ian approached the hostess stand and told her who he was meeting. When she smiled and showed him to a table, Wyatt walked to the stand and waited for her return. He watched her flirtatious gestures toward Ian, batting her eyelashes and smiling seductively while subtly moving her body in a provocative manner.

Wyatt looked away and took in olive jars, strands of pasta, and vibrant hot peppers, giving the space a warm and inviting ambiance. The aroma of garlic and tomatoes wafted through the air, mingling with the chatter of guests and clinking plates. Waiters glided around effortlessly, balancing steaming trays of food or clearing away empty dishes. On each table sat a lit candle, casting a warm glow over the crisp white tablecloths.

People were dressed in evening attire, and since Wyatt was in a suit, he didn’t stand out, despite his size.

The hostess glanced over her shoulder and spotted Wyatt, then she walked to him with a soft smile. “How many?”

Wyatt returned her smile. “Just me.”

“Right this way.” She swept her gaze over him like she’d done with Ian, appearing just as interested.

A few people at nearby tables glanced at Wyatt with interest, but he paid them no mind as he was led to the table next to Ian’s.


“Your server will be with you shortly.” She glanced back at Ian before hurrying off.

“I think our hostess is enamored with you,” Wyatt said under his breath.

“She seems nice, but I’m not interested,” Ian replied just as quietly.

Having heightened senses had its perks. Even amidst all the noise, whispers could still be heard.

“He just walked in,” Ian said, barely moving his lips.

Since Wyatt was facing the door, he saw who Ian was referring to. Solomon was dressed in a deep purple suit. His crisp white shirt contrasted nicely against the deep hue, and a matching purple tie completed the look.

Although he wasn’t a good-looking guy, the color worked well for him, highlighting a head full of black hair with streaks of distinguished gray.

He spoke to the hostess, and a moment later, she escorted him to Ian’s table.

“I must admit I was surprised to get your call.” Solomon sat across from Ian. “The last time we saw each other I had the impression you weren’t interested in what I had to offer.”

“I’d just retired and had a lot to sort out,” Ian said in a charming voice. “Nice choice of venue. I love Italian food.”

Since Wyatt was seated in the same direction as Ian, he couldn’t see Ian’s expression, but he felt the tension bleeding from him.

Solomon licked his thin lips and placed his hand over Ian’s. Wyatt had an urge to break that fucking hand. Ian was doing him a favor, but Wyatt hated putting him in an uncomfortable position. It was clear from the time they’d spent on the plane and afterward that Ian was a dominant male. The guy had eyed more than one twink at the airport and in the clothing store, which told Wyatt that someone like Solomon wasn’t Ian’s type.

Type or not, Solomon was a psychopath. That was the important part–being at the same table with a depraved lunatic.

Ian pulled his hand away and ran it through his long hair. Wyatt thought it was just a tactic to break the contact, but Solomon’s green eyes smoldered as he watched what Ian was doing.

“I remember you mentioning that you liked Italian,” Solomon replied.

“That was five years ago, and I said it in passing to someone else. You were listening?” Ian sounded surprised as he chuckled. The guy was a damn good actor.

“I paid attention to everything about you, Ian.” Solomon appeared annoyed when their server approached their table. “We’ll just have two glasses of red wine, and then you can leave us alone.”

The server’s eyes slightly widened as she cleared her throat. “Very well, sir.”

Wyatt would love nothing more than to smack the shit out of Solomon for his rudeness.