‘Letting him continue makes you an accessory.’

‘What do you want from me? Want me to give him up? I can’t. I don’t bloody know where he is!’ Chris let out another yowl of pain as I punctured his left hand with my blade, it slipping easily between the bones and piercing the wood beneath them.

‘We have looked everywhere, and he has my girl. We need to find him and so help me god if I have to remove a piece of you every five minutes until I get answers, I will.’ I leaned in close and gripped him around the throat as I spoke, delighting when his face purpled.



‘He showed me some footage some broad gave him of the two of you. She made him angry. Let her go, man. If she cheated on him, she could well do it to you, too.’ His words were barely a whisper as I dug my fingers into his throat.

‘Are you suggesting that I leave a defenceless woman in his hands? Knowing damn well he’ll kill her? You’re as much of a fucking monster as he is.’

Removing my knife from his hand with a jerk, I splayed his fingers on the wooden arm of the chair, placing the blade at the junction of his palm and index finger. He grimaced as the metal bit into the flesh.

‘Are you ready to hear the sick way bones crunch as you sever them? I might even make you eat it if you don’t come up with some possibilities real fast.’

Chris paled as I pressed down, ignoring the piercing screams that filled my ears.

The pop sickened me to my stomach as the scent of piss filled my nostrils. Holding up the finger, I dropped my knife onto my chair before grasping Chris’s face, forcing his mouth open and holding his severed finger up to it.

He squirmed and begged as I forced the digit between his lips.

‘Okay, please. I’ll tell you whatever you need.’

Fresh tears washed over his face as I placed his finger in his shirt pocket and sat back down.

‘Where does he go?’

‘There are a few properties he’s bought over the year. Small places in shitty parts of town. Get my phone and unlock it. I have a file on all my clients, any holdings and assets.’

I narrowed my eyes at him. Of course he did.

His phone was hot and clammy from where it had been in his sweat drenched pants pocket. Screwing my face up, I wiped it on his trousers before holding it to his face and waiting for it to click open.

‘Go to the folder.’

‘What’s the password?’


‘I’m guessing that’s not your missus’ name.’

Chris had the nerve to scoff as I entered the password and looked through the series of folders, clicking through into Tommy’s file. Eventually, I found one entitled holdings and pulled up the info. Multiple deeds to houses all under a pseudonym. Bingo.

Pushing the phone into my pocket and cleaning my bloody knife, I turned to leave.

‘Wait, you guys aren’t going to leave me here, are you? I told you. You need to let me go.’

I stilled as my brothers flanked me.

‘Shit, you know he’s right guys, we can’t leave him there.’

‘Siri - call the police!’ he shouted out, leaving me fumbling with the phone and cancelling the call. My jaw tensed as I walked back to him, picking his finger out of his pocket and shoving it into his throat, holding his mouth shut as he choked on it.

‘Ewen, open the vat.’

Chris’s eyes were wide and watery as he gagged on his own flesh, vomit breaching between my fingers as I held them over his mouth.