Page 64 of Testing the Goalie

Ben’s stomach grumbles after a little while, and I pull back to stare into his eyes. “When did you eat last?”

A guilty expression crosses his face, and he bites his lower lip. “Um… do I have to answer that question?”

Under normal circumstances, I’d give him trouble for not eating, but I’m going to let it pass this time because he’s been through a lot in the last twenty-four hours. “You don’t have to answer it, but I am going to make you something to eat,” I tell him, making my way to the kitchen.

Ben chuckles behind me, and seconds later, the hum of the television fills the space, bringing a smile to my face. I’m beyond happy to have my boy back in my house and for the stomach-turning anxiety to be gone. I’d still like to take next week off work, but I’ll let Ben make that decision because it’s not worth losing him over. I’ll still find a way to take care of him whether I can be with him twenty-four seven or not.

Since I don’t want to spend too much time away from Ben, I make a quick sandwich and then cut up some fruit and vegetables to go on the side. With the plate in hand, I head back to the living room and place it on Ben’s lap.

“Eat up, sweet boy,” I instruct. “It’s even more important to take good care of yourself right now. Your body needs all the strength it can get to heal.”

He beams at me and takes a bite of his carrot. “Yes, Daddy.”

The word sends shivers of desire throughout my body, and I lean in to give him a kiss and nip at his lips. “Damn, I wish I could have you,” I whisper against his lips.

“You could, but we just have to be creative,” he replies, causing my cock to perk up even more at the idea.

I groan and shake my head. “There isn’t any way that would put my mind at ease enough. I couldn’t live with myself if I hurt you more than you already are. We’ll just have to be patient.” Ben pouts, and I give him another quick peck before sitting back. “Besides, you still have to eat.”

Ben huffs out an annoyed breath through his nose but begins to eat, and I settle in to watch the show with him.

“Would you be okay if I made a call to see if I can take Monday off?” I ask him once he’s finished his food. “I’m aware you don’t want me to take the entire week off, but I would like to be there for you on the day of your surgery.”

Ben silently contemplates my offer, and my heart races a little with worry. Is he going to say no? When he eventually nods, I almost let out a sigh of relief.

“I’d be okay with that. Would you mind if I stayed at my apartment while I recover?” he requests. “Obviously, you want to take care of me, but with your work schedule, having my roommates around might make more sense. You can come over whenever you want and even spend the night if you’d like.”

I love that he feels empowered enough to ask the question, so, of course, I agree. “I could make that work. And you’re right. If I’m working, having your friends around in case you need help would be best. But also know that if there’s an emergency, I want you to call me.”

“I promise I will,” he replies with a smile.

We should have had this conversation yesterday if I wasn’t such an idiot, but I’m glad we’re having it now. This is how relationships are supposed to be. Give and take and open communication at all times.



It’s the morning of my surgery, and I’m a nervous wreck, waiting for my name to be called. Thankfully, Ian is by my side, holding my hand and giving me all the strength possible.

I’m glad he took the day off to be here today. I still stand by my decision not to let him take the rest of the week off, but I’m sure I would be a lot more scared if I were here by myself right now. Obviously, Calvin would have come if I asked, but I’m glad it’s Ian who is here.

I’ve been trying to stop referring to Calvin as Coach in my head, but it’s still a little weird. I haven’t had time to have the conversation about calling him Dad yet, but I’m hoping to have it sometime this week. I’ll have a lot of spare time on my hands while I recover, and I’m hoping my friends and found family will visit often.

The school has agreed to give me two weeks off classes, and I’ll take advantage of them. After the two weeks are up, it will be all schoolwork and physical therapy. I’m going to despise the downtime, but it will also be nice to have a mental health break. I need the time to deal with the fact I won’t be playing college hockey anymore, and the next time I set foot on the ice, it will be as a regular man, not a player.

“Benjamin Cooper?” a woman calls out.

I’m shaking as I raise my hand, and she walks over, grabbing the wheelchair handles.

“You’ve got this,” Ian reminds me with a warm smile and one more squeeze of my hand. “I’ll be here waiting when you’re done.”

I nod and take a deep breath, telling the lady I’m ready to go, and she wheels me toward the Pre-Op area.

As promised, Ian is waiting when the surgery is over. Even though I’m so ridiculously uncomfortable, it’s not even funny, I can’t help but grin when my eyes land on him.

“Time to bring you home, sweet boy,” he tells me in a quiet voice, and I nod as he helps me to his car.

The drive to my apartment isn’t very long, but I’m beyond excited to get out of the car when we arrive. Being cramped in a vehicle isn’t the most pleasant feeling following an ACL repair surgery.