Page 55 of Testing the Goalie

“Did you want me to call you Coop?” Ian asks, but I wrinkle my nose again.

“No, it doesn’t sound right coming from you.”

Both Ian and Coach laugh as we head toward the festivities the town has put on.

Christmas hasn’t always been my favorite holiday, but Ian might change that like he’s changed a lot of things in my life. We’ve only been dating for three months, but I kind of don’t see a future without him in it.

We spend the majority of the day outside, enjoying all the festivities the town has to offer before heading back to Ian’s place for some pizza. Apparently, tomorrow, he’s going to make a full-blown Christmas meal for the three of us, and I can’t wait.

I bet it’s going to be the most delicious food ever, and I offered to help, but Ian insisted I should spend the time hanging out with Coach. Though, he’s most likely just trying to save Christmas and to do that, it’s best to keep me out of the kitchen.

After we’re done with dinner, Coach heads back to his hotel, leaving me alone with the man who makes me happier than I’ve ever been.

“Thank you for everything,” I whisper as we cuddle on the couch.

“You deserve it, baby,” he assures me.

I move in his arms so we’re face to face. “I love you,” I tell him, staring into his gorgeous blue eyes. Before he repeats the words, I already know he feels the same way.

“I love you too,” he replies, pressing his lips to mine.

“Best Christmas Eve ever,” I whisper, earning me a chuckle.

“And the day isn’t even over yet,” he says, waggling his brows.

“Oooh, Christmas sex,” I cheer, racing to the bedroom.

Ian’s laughter echoes off the walls as he follows at a much slower pace.

Never in a million years did I think I would find a man like Ian.

I hope he stays in my life forever.



Ben had an away game over New Year’s Eve, and instead of sitting at home alone, I took a quick trip home to see my family.

“You’ve been gone too long,” Mom says, pulling me into her arms the second I open the door of Dad and Pops’ house, squeezing me with the tightest grip that it almost hurts.

“At least let the boy take his coat off before you suffocate him to death,” MoMo tells her, but Mom doesn’t let go.

“He can take his coat off after I’ve got my hug in,” Mom retorts. Once she’s had her fill, she steps back and puts her hands on my shoulders. “You look good. Happier than when you left. I take it your boyfriend has something to do with that?”

I smile at her and nod. “He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

Mom fakes a gasp. “What about us?”

“Beside my family, of course,” I assure her.

“Okay, move out of the way. It’s my turn,” MoMo tells Mom who rolls her eyes but steps aside all the same.

“I can’t wait to meet the guy who has you smiling like that,” MoMo says, hugging me fiercely.

“I’m hoping soon, but unfortunately, he had a hockey game this weekend.”

“Our turn,” Dad says with Pops standing beside him.