Since we’ve made things official, he hasn’t done one thing to give me even the slightest hint that he’s going to leave anytime soon. In fact, he’s done the opposite. He’s shown me how crazy he is about me every single day. When we’re together, he can’t keep his hands to himself. It’s like he’s afraid I’m going to run, which I don’t blame him for. And when we’re apart, he’s texting me, letting me know he’s thinking about me or reminding me to do things I’d typically forget. The fact that he apologized for not taking me out on a date sooner, even though there literally hasn’t been time for it, shows he actually cares.
I was stoked for our date tonight but had no idea what Ian had planned. I swear to God I almost had a heart attack when we pulled up to the farm, and I figured out where we were. Clearly, Ian has been paying attention when I talk because he planned the best date possible. Nothing would be able to top this. Haunted houses and fright nights are my jam. Honestly, anything scary is, but the corn maze is fucking perfect.
Ian’s hand is in mine as we make our way through the corn maze. My body is buzzing with the endorphins you get when you know something is about to scare the shit out of you. Some people hate getting scared, but I love it.
“You’re shaking,” Ian notes, and I beam at him.
“It’s because I’m so excited.”
He chuckles. “I’ve never met someone who likes to be scared as much as you do.”
We’re about halfway through the corn maze and have been scared a half dozen times or so already, but I’m still looking forward to it happening again. I don’t care that I scream like a little girl every time it happens because that’s part of the fun.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” I check, keeping my eyes peeled. It’s been a hot minute since someone jumped out at us which means it’s going to happen again soon.
“Personally, I wouldn’t have come here by myself,” he states. “But I’m having a great time watching you and how much joy this is giving you.”
Fuck, Ian is obviously the best boyfriend ever. But how did someone like me get lucky enough to have him in my life?
We turn another corner, following the map on Ian’s phone, but hit a dead end.
“Are we lost?” I ask with a smirk.
Ian glares at his phone. “I could have sworn we were here.” He points to a section on the map that doesn’t have a dead end.
“Well, clearly we’re not,” I reply, still smiling at him.
We backtrack a little and take a different turn, running into a man with a fake chainsaw. Well, at least I assume it’s fake. I guess I really have no idea. I scream at the top of my lungs and let go of Ian’s hand, running as fast as my legs will let me. Ian is behind me, but he’s clearly having a hard time keeping up, and when I glance over my shoulder, I see the crazed man with a chainsaw is hot on his heels. I don’t have the map, so I have no idea where I’m going, but I honestly don’t care. I don’t want to be caught by chainsaw man.
“You abandoned me,” Ian says, panting heavily when he finally catches up.
“It’s every man for himself when someone’s trying to chop them into tiny little bits,” I explain, making Ian laugh.
“Good to know for the future,” he grumbles, but his smile is still in place.
“Aww… does my big stwong Daddy need me to pwotect him next time?” I ask in a baby-like voice.
He growls and pulls me into his arms. “You’re such a brat sometimes,” he tells me, smashing his lips to mine.
“I can’t be good all the time,” I reply once we break for air.
“And I wouldn’t want you to. I love how full of life you are. Your bratty side is just a fun addition to who you are. But we both know, at your core, you’re a good boy.”
“We really need to find our way out of this maze because I’m ready for you to drill me so hard I’m going to have trouble walking,” I inform Ian, who growls a little.
“How do you expect me to figure out a goddamn map when you put dirty images into my head like that?”
I lift my chin, smiling. “Consider it an incentive.”
“Someone’s wanting a spanking when we get home, isn’t he?”
I nod quickly. “Yes, please.”
“Then I guess we better find our way out,” Ian responds, placing his hand on the small of my back and guiding me around another corner.
We hit a few more dead ends before finally finding our way out, heading directly to Ian’s car once we do.
“Tonight has been the best night ever,” I state while he drives us to his place.