Page 48 of Testing the Goalie

Sure, there are days that one or both of us are busy, and we aren’t able to hang out with each other, but that hasn’t stopped us from being there for the other. I’m not being neglected in the relationship, nor do I feel like I am dropping the ball on Ben’s needs. And I’m pretty sure Ben feels the same way.

The only thing I realized a couple of days ago was we’ve yet to go on an actual date. To be honest, it slipped my brain. Maybe it’s because of how our relationship started. When we were fuck buddies, dates were off the table, but when we agreed to be more, we kind of just fell into a comfortable routine. Plus, we’re both extremely busy. But that doesn’t make it right. Ben deserves to be taken out and not treated like a dirty little secret.

When I told Ben we were going on a date tonight and to come over as soon as he was done practice, his face lit up, which told me I should have done this sooner.

Better late than never.

Tuesdays aren’t the ideal night for a date, but it was the only night this week that worked best for us. I’ll just have to deal with being tired in the morning. Although, if Ben spends the night like he has been whenever he comes over, I’ll sleep like a baby. Holding my perfect boy is better than any sleep aid I’ve tried.

Ben is at my door shortly after six, looking like a dirty dream come to life like always. He’s wearing exactly what I told him to, but it’s even better in person. His tight, dark-wash jeans cling to his strong legs, making my mouth water. Desire stirs inside me to ask him to turn around and allow me to take in his bubble butt, but there’s time for that later.

The black leather jacket I picked out from the back of his closet that he never wears gives him a bad-boy vibe that looks perfect on him, even though he’s really a good boy at heart. Underneath the jacket is a navy blue T-shirt that clings to him, showing off his gorgeous muscles. To finish his outfit, I told him to wear his plain silver chain, which is the only jewelry he owns.

He’s the sexiest man alive. I’d stare at him all night if we didn’t have other plans.

My sweet boy is beaming, clearly not caring that I’m gawking a little. The look is almost enough to cause my heart to skip a beat. I mean, if that was physically possible and all.

“Damn, you clean up nice.” I admire him, pulling him into my arms and planting a kiss on his lips, loving that he immediately melts into my embrace.

“I sure hope you think I look good. You were the one who picked out my clothes,” he teases, and I chuckle.

“You have good taste in clothes. You just need a little help deciding what to wear. That’s what daddies are for, after all.” I wink at him, and his smile grows.

“Who knew how freeing it would be to let you choose my clothes each day? Our video calls where you pick my outfits have become one of my favorite things,” he informs me, filling my heart with pride.

The fact that Ben loves something that also brings me immense joy is perfect. It confirms that I am doing a good job as his boyfriend and Daddy. It’s something I wouldn’t have thought possible three months ago, not with how busy my work life is. But here we are, thriving in our relationship.

“I’m glad you like it,” I reply, turning to grab my car keys and a jacket for myself. “Did you eat?” I check with him as we walk to my car.

“Yup,” Ben replies with a toothy grin. “I got your reminder text, so I grabbed a quick bite after practice.”

“Such a good boy,” I praise.

Ben’s face lights up like it often does when I remind him how astonishing he is. But the thing is, I mean the words more than he could ever imagine. I’m not just saying them out of habit. I’m growing to love everything about him and want him to be fully aware of that.

“Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” Ben asks, but I shake my head.

“It’s a surprise. It wouldn’t be a very good one if I told you what was about to happen.”

Ben narrows his eyes in what I think is supposed to be a menacing glare, but the corners of his lips keep twitching, wanting to curl up, making it obvious that he isn’t actually upset.

I’ve learned a lot of new things about Ben over the past few weeks, one being he loves Halloween and all things spooky. So, when I found out about a corn maze having fright nights all week long, I knew I had to bring him. It also doesn’t hurt that it’s only a thirty-minute drive from my house.

Ben’s eyes land on a sign that appears like it’s dripping in blood, telling us to beware when I pull up to the farm, and he starts to vibrate in his seat.

“Is this a scary corn maze?” Ben asks with pure excitement in his voice. His energy is contagious and brings a giant grin to my face.

“It is. Does that make you happy?”

“Happy doesn’t even begin to cover how I’m feeling right now,” he replies, leaning over to kiss my cheek.

My smile grows, which almost feels impossible, and I internally give myself a high-five for coming up with the perfect date night. I only wish I would have come up with the idea to plan something sooner.

Ben has been learning to trust me, but it’s something that is going to take time to solidify. Taking him out more often will show him our relationship is real, and I’m not ashamed to be seen with him. I really should have done this the instant we made things official. I guess that’s why they say hindsight is twenty-twenty.

“Sorry for not taking you out sooner,” I tell him, but he waves me off.

“We’ve both been busy as f-fudge. When would we have been able to make a date work?” he replies, easing my worry and almost making me laugh at his near slip of a swear.