Page 99 of Forced Vows

"I bet that didn't last long." It wouldn't have with our people.

"No, it didn't. Grandfather shouted the house down and accused our dads of spoiling us. We were all grounded from our phones, tablets and were supervised doing homework on our laptops for three months."

"Harsh." But no harsher than anything my own father would have done.

Or what Sev or I would do to convince our own children to stay safe.

"My cousins and I have a group text stream going throughout the day, but it's not the same." She touches the screen of the phone almost reverently. "You can't separate discussion threads in a text stream, and it takes forever to scroll back to something you want to see sometimes."

"My father had the family app developed when Giulia threatened to get a disposable phone so she could have a Facebook account. She was twelve."

I don't remember her being grounded. So maybe our father's reaction would have been different if he'd caught her using social media. He was always more lenient with Giulia than he could be with me or Sev.

"I can't believe you made this my profile picture."

The photo she's talking about is one Allessio took for his regular morning check-ins with me. Wearing shorts that show too much leg and an oversized lightweight sweater that slides off her shoulder, Róise is leaning forward revealing cleavage no one but me should see and she's blowing a kiss.

It was yet another attempt by her to poke the bear. Allessio paid the price for seeing what he should not have though and being on the other side of the camera lens when she blew that kiss.

The picture is cropped to her face and the hand blowing the kiss for her profile picture.

"Change it if you don't like it." But every time I see it, my cock throbs, as if our Aphrodite has those cotton candy lips pursed just for us.

"Why does Allessio bother taking the pictures? He never tries to talk me into changing my clothes."

"I know."

Róise laughs. "You sound so disgruntled. Maybe I'll let him keep taking them after all."

"I'm surprised you have so far," I admit.

"Moma says pick your battles. That wasn't one worth putting the energy into."

"Your grandmother is a wise woman." And both my dick and I are grateful.

"I don't think I want a picture of me blowing a kiss showing up on your family's phone screens when I interact with the app."

"Right now the privacy settings on your account only allow me to see you."

"But I can see them?" My mob princess sounds so shocked.

"Our marriage has no hope of succeeding if we don't trust each other." And I've figured out this woman has enough stubbornness to stop her from ever taking the first step toward that.

The family app seemed a good place to start with her. Sev knows she's on it and so do the rest of the family. They're not posting anything sensitive she can see until they trust her.

"Doesn't your mom have the app?"

I grimace. Of course, Róise zeroes in on the chink in the trust building armor. "She has her privacy setting so you can't see what she posts."


"It's going to take her time to trust you."

"If she gets there, maybe I'll be able to return the favor someday," Róise says with more honesty than she probably means to.

She looks down to her phone again and I settle her more securely on my lap, but her ass is not flush up against my rapidly hardening cock.

We don't have time for another round.