Nash needed to do something to change Taylor’s mood. He hated seeing him sad, especially about things he couldn’t control. “I hope you plan to help me organize my booth next year,” Nash told him. Nothing made Taylor happier than having his own way.
“Booth?” Damon tilted his head and they slowly set off to check out the rest of the vendors.
“I told Nash he should set up a booth here next year. People love his books and I think it would be a lot of fun.” Taylor clung tightly to Nash’s arm. Some of his tension still lingered, but he seemed determined to be happy and enjoy their night.
“You convinced him to extrovert?” Damon laughed. “Oh, this is going to be good.”
“I’ll be there to help him. It won’t be that bad.” Taylor looked at Nash. “Will it? You don’t have to do it. It was just a suggestion.”
“It’ll be fun. But you have to help me. You can be my assistant.”
Taylor’s eyes sparkled. “Oooh. You’d be my boss. Why is that so hot? We should role-play that. You two can be the big, powerful corporate stooges and I’m just a lowly little secretary. Oops, I dropped a stack of files and made a mess. Maybe I should be punished. Please don’t fire me. I’ll do anything.”
Nash let his hand slide down Taylor’s back then he pinched his ass, earning him a yelp and a glare. “Behave yourself,” he chided.
Taylor smirked. “Yes, boss.”
“Don’t call me boss, either.”
Nash saw Taylor open his mouth to shoot off another smart retort, so he did the only thing he knew to do that would shut Taylor up. He hauled him close and slanted their mouths together. He kissed him hard and unrelenting with no regard for who might be watching. It was chaste enough, more lips and barely any tongue, but it left Taylor breathless and thankfully speechless.
“Mind if I cut in?” Damon asked, tugging Taylor over into his arms. “I do believe it’s my turn to escort the princess through the fair.”
Nash could never bring himself to say something so completely cheesy, but Damon loved that kind of thing, which was good because so did Taylor. Nash watched them share a sappy look, then an even sweeter kiss, before the three of them headed back up the other side of the street.
When Nash and Damon first started sneaking around, he’d never expected much of anything to come of it. A couple of mutual orgasms at the most, and then he thought they’d go back to the status quo. And they didn’t. And then Taylor happened. Nash stepped over to Damon and took his hand.
Damon turned and shot him another sappy look. Nash stole a kiss from his other boyfriend without caring if anyone else approved or not. They were happy and that was all that mattered.