Page 40 of The Princess

Taylor relaxed now that Nash had reassured him. It was nice to be there for Taylor, who had no lack of people to support him. And that he’d chosen Nash, when he could’ve called anyone, made Nash’s heart swell.

“I think you did a very nice thing.”

“And it probably won’t bite me in the ass.” Taylor laughed and took a sip of his beer before leaning in closer and resting his head on Nash’s chest. “All the way over here I kept feeling more and more stupid. Granted, it’s not an everyday occurrence, but he seriously looked like shit. Like he was ready to fall over.”

“I wonder what happened to him.”

“Me too, but I didn’t ask. Do you know how hard that was? But I have two brothers who are forever in my business so I know how it feels to have people try to pry things out of you that you don’t want them to know. So I chattered away like a squirrel on speed and probably made an ass of myself. But, at least for tonight, he’s safe and warm.”

“You’re an amazing man, Taylor Bennett.” Nash dropped a kiss on Taylor’s head and felt him shrug.

“I mean, thanks, but it’s sort of ingrained in me, you know. Dad has always been the first one to help someone up. I guess I’m just a younger, pinker version of that,” Taylor said, making both of them laugh.

Nash knew all about Ethan Bennett and his brand of quiet help. The way he made sure that his sons were taken care of and all his sons’ friends were taken care of. The way Ethan asked about Nash and his writing with more interest and enthusiasm than Nash’s own family. In a stormy life, Ethan Bennett was a lighthouse, offering guidance so you didn’t bash yourself on the rocks and go under. Fire night had likely started because one of his kids’ friends was hungry and cold, and cooking food out back on the fire was something that no one could resist, no matter their pride.

Taylor’s stomach growled like a rumbling volcano in the previously silent room. Nash laughed. Kissing Taylor’s head again, he extracted himself from their snuggle session on the couch. “I’ll get dinner started.”

“I’m early. It’s fine.” Taylor’s stomach argued with that statement. “Okay, maybe I am a little hungry. I made a pot of chicken soup for Mickey and to make him feel like I didn’t go to any extra trouble for him, I had a bowl of mostly broth.”

“The god of your stomach is displeased with your meager offering.”

Taylor spun around on the couch. Hanging his arms over the back, he stared at Nash as he started to gather things from his pantry. “What are you making my stomach god? I thought you’d just order something, to be honest.”

Taylor deserved a home-cooked meal. Sure, Nash could have ordered food, but he wanted to cook for Taylor. It was odd, because Damon didn’t care about things like that. He was just happy to have food put in front of him. But Taylor was always cooking for other people, so it was important to Nash that he do this for him.

“It’s not anything special, I’m afraid. But it’ll be hot and home-cooked and you don’t have to lift a finger.”

“Just sit here and look pretty?” Taylor took a sip of his beer, unable to hide his smile as he did so.

“Something like that.” Nash threw together a quick chicken fettuccini with mushrooms and onions. He was no baker, and he wasn’t about to experiment on Taylor, so he’d purchased garlic bread earlier in the day. It wasn’t the best idea, now that Nash thought of it. But if they both had garlic breath, did they cancel each other out?

While Nash put dinner together, he and Taylor chatted and Nash wasn’t surprised with how smoothly the conversation flowed. Things with Taylor had always been like that. He was an easy guy to talk to. But now there was a depth to the once shallow chitchat. Superficial small talk had gone out the window, and they were connecting on a deeper level now.

And it was so effortless. Almost too easy, but Nash banished that little shred of doubt to the corner and plated their food. He’d planned to set the table all romantic, but with Taylor showing up early, it had slipped Nash’s mind.

“Sit,” Nash said, putting the food on his small dining table that he seldom used for this purpose. Returning to the kitchen, he dug into the drawer for the pack of candles he’d bought for this occasion. Lacking proper candlesticks was a problem, until he spied the empty beer bottle sitting on the counter. Nash grabbed a matching bottle from the recycling and shoved the bottom of the candle into the mouth of the bottle.

Grabbing the pack of matches, he went to the table where Taylor sat, a soft yet amused look on his face. Nash set the beer bottle candle holders down and immediately felt like an idiot.

“I’d planned to have something nicer,” he began, but Taylor swiftly interrupted.

“No, this is perfect.” Taylor beamed at him all bright-eyed. “It really is, I promise. It’s better than anything I could have ever dreamed about. And trust me, I did plenty of that.”

Nash couldn’t breathe through the sudden swell of emotion that rushed through him like a tsunami. Taylor’s sweet nature was something Nash hoped he never lost, especially when he gazed at Nash like he was the best thing on the planet. Nash lit the candles and, after killing some of the other lighting in the apartment, he took a seat opposite to Taylor.

“Just how much dreaming did you do about this?” Nash asked once he sat down.

Taylor looked sheepish, and he lowered his gaze when he answered, concentrating very hard on spearing a piece of chicken. “Probably from the moment we met. I’d always had a thing for both you and Damon, since it’s honesty hour.”


“Even before I saw the two of you kissing, which was super fucking hot by the way.”

Taylor deserved reciprocity, although he didn’t ask. Nash figured he wouldn’t. Maybe he didn’t want to know how long Nash had thought about him in a way that went beyond friendly and would likely put his friendship with Colby in jeopardy if he knew.

“It wasn’t when you started to wear makeup and dress differently. Your bravery in that regard and your confidence is breathtaking, but I’ve liked you for some time too. It’s part of the reason I was so angry with Damon the last time we were there for fire night.”

Taylor’s smile danced in his eyes. “I hope you don’t hold that against him anymore. It seems to be working out for the best.”