Page 21 of The Princess

“And you’re hot.”

Damon shook his head, but he couldn’t stop smiling. “I look like a dweeb. You have a dweeb fetish.”

“You look hot. All put together and buttoned up, all proper and shit. Makes me want to ruin you.”

Damon reached down and adjusted himself. “Really? Can we not give me a raging boner before work?”

Nash’s response was to pull Damon closer and press his naked body up against Damon’s fully clothed one. Damon had to stop himself from shivering. It shouldn’t be so hot. And he shouldn’t feel so vulnerable. Nash was the naked one. But Nash had that effect on him. He had a way of seeing right through Damon’s happy-go-lucky exterior to the person underneath.

“Do you have any idea how exquisite you are?” Nash kissed the side of Damon’s neck above his shirt collar and below his ear. All the blood rushed to Damon’s dick, making him ache for more of Nash’s touch. But Nash was already pulling away and grabbing clothes from his closet.

Damon gaped at him as he dressed, all nonchalant as if he hadn’t just given Damon a huge boner.

“Really, Nash?” Damon scowled and adjusted himself again.

“You love it.” Nash patted Damon on the ass on his way out of the room. “Come on.”

Damon grumbled and followed Nash outside. He hesitated at the parking lot until Nash turned and jingled his keys. “We’ll be done in plenty of time for you to get your car before work. If not, I’ll take you.”

“Careful, Nash. If you keep doing shit like that, people are going to figure us out.”

Nash shrugged. “Maybe it’s time they did, but we can talk about that later. Right now, I want pancakes. Or waffles. Or French toast.”

Damon filed away Nash’s statement for later. Everything was turned upside down and different now, and Damon had to wonder how much of Nash’s statement was because he genuinely wanted people to know about them and how much was jealously because Damon had been on a date with Taylor.

Had it all been a big mistake? He’d let Nash talk him into it, and Nash had promised that he was okay with it. But was he really? Back when they first started seeing each other, it wasn’t serious and they hadn’t wanted the overprotective Bennett brother—Colby—to go all bodyguard mode on them.

And they hadn’t expected to keep hooking up. It was supposed to be a one and done sort of deal. But then they didn’t stop. And one more time turned into one more time turned into two people who never stopped hooking up. Damon’s clothes migrated over to Nash’s house. He had a toothbrush there. He used Nash’s electric razor when he needed it. They did boyfriend things together and even recently had adopted that title. But had still told no one.

Until Damon took Taylor out.

“You’re quiet,” Nash said as they took a seat in the diner. The Bennett family had a table that was reserved for family for when Colby and Jonah stopped in. Damon and Nash were also included in that short list of family.

“It’s been an interesting week. That’s all,” Damon hedged. He didn’t want Nash to push, especially not here of all places. Here, where Taylor was in the kitchen. He hoped to hell that Taylor was okay with making breakfast for the guy who’d kissed him goodnight—and his boyfriend.

Damon took a deep breath and reminded himself that Taylor knew all about it. He’d made an informed decision. It helped calm him, but only a little.

He was aware of Nash’s questioning gaze on him, but then Ethan Bennett, their surrogate father, appeared.

“Good morning, you two. What’ll it be?”

Nash ordered a stack of pancakes, but Damon went for the classic bacon, eggs, and toast. Ethan poured them each a cup of coffee and promised to be back with their food soon.

Ethan sometimes sat with them when they came in, but the diner looked busy that morning and Damon hadn’t seen anyone else working the front. So it was likely that Ethan was manning it alone and wouldn’t be around much to chat. There went Damon’s buffer.

Nash nudged Damon’s foot under the table. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah. It’s just… I don’t want this to be weird for you or Taylor. I mean, it’s not every day I go out for breakfast with my boyfriend at the place my date from the night before works.”

Nash arched an eyebrow.

“I mean, it’s new, okay?” Damon raked a hand down his face.

“Why don’t you go say hello to him?” Nash measured two spoons of sugar into his coffee. He looked calm and collected and totally okay with the idea.

Damon wiped his sweaty palms on his thighs. “You sure?”

“I wouldn’t have suggested it if I minded. If anyone asks what you’re doing back there, tell them you wanted to ask Taylor to make you extra bacon.”