Page 18 of The Princess

When he turned, Damon stepped into his space. Taylor went still, like a deer in headlights, as Damon reached for him. His heart was frantic, but the rest of him was calm, as if fearful moving too fast would break the spell and make Damon change his mind.

But he didn’t.

He stepped in, his free hand coming to rest on Taylor’s waist, and tugged him even closer. Then Damon’s mouth descended on his. Taylor grabbed onto Damon to steady himself because his knees were suddenly devoid of any strength.

Damon tasted like mint chocolate chip ice cream, and Taylor swooned when his tongue eased its way into Taylor’s mouth. It made him hold tighter, suddenly mad with desire. Need pulsed in him and he was hard as steel, but before Taylor could do something like wind a leg around Damon and pull him closer for a nice, quick dry hump at his door, Damon pulled away.

“I want to take you out again,” Damon said to him, frustratingly putting more distance between them.

“I want that too.” He wanted more than that. He wanted to invite Damon inside, for starters, but he had a feeling that he’d only be met with a soft sort of not yet-type rejection. Taylor could live with waiting. For a while.



It might have been crass of Nash to all but demand to see Damon right after his date with Taylor, but he’d been on the edge of his seat all night. It wasn’t that he was jealous. Was he? That’s something he’d thought about for hours. But he wasn’t angry or upset they were together. He’d genuinely wanted them to have a good time.

So it couldn’t be jealousy he was feeling. But it might’ve been, at least a little, because the minute he opened his door for Damon, he’d yanked him inside and pressed him against the wall. No time was wasted in kissing Damon. He tasted the way he always had, and Nash found that he was in fact disappointed that he couldn’t taste Taylor on Damon’s mouth. But he could smell him on his clothes. A light, spicy scent clung to Damon.

He wasn’t jealous that Taylor was out with Damon. He was… God, he wanted Taylor to want him too, and it stung to know that he didn’t. Not enough to worry over, though. He’d still be happy for Damon and Taylor.

“Miss me?” Damon laughed against Nash’s mouth.

“How’d it go?” Nash asked.

“It was…” Damon sighed. “It was fucking great, actually. We talked about you a lot.”

Nash’s eyebrows hit his hairline, and Damon laughed at him again, seemingly content to stay where Nash had plastered him against the wall.

“Don’t look so shocked, Nash. Of course we were going to talk about you. He had questions about us.”

Nash kissed Damon again to hide the flicker of disappointment. Of course that’s why they were talking about him. Because he’d said he was okay with the two of them dating. And he was. That hadn’t changed. It made no sense to be upset about a thing he said could happen. And he didn’t think that’s what was bothering him.

“Did you kiss him?” Nash had to know. Not knowing was eating at him like a sickness. He was so fucking curious about what it would’ve looked like.

Damon wrapped his arms around Nash. “I did.” He looked almost sorry that he had and that was something Nash didn’t want.

“Tell me about it.” Nash kissed the side of Damon’s neck, knowing full well that it was his weakness. Predictably, Damon melted with a little moan.

“He tasted like ice cream. Chocolate, because he says he likes the basic flavors the best. His mouth is soft. It’s the softest thing I’ve ever kissed.” Damon groaned when Nash scraped his teeth across his earlobe.

“What else?” Nash asked. He tried to picture what Damon and Taylor would look like together. Taylor was a bit shorter than both him and Damon, so of course Damon would have to lean down. But was Taylor short enough that he’d have to tiptoe?

“He’s surprisingly strong. And his ass looked hot as fuck in the skinny jeans he wore. We’re going out again.”

“When?” Nash had figured there would be more than one date between them.

“I don’t know yet.” Damon’s grip on Nash tightened, and he rested his head against Nash’s shoulder.


Damon took a deep breath. Then another. “It’s weird, okay. To get home from a date and tell my boyfriend about it. A boyfriend no one knows I have.”

“Did you want to tell people about us?” Nash pulled Damon into his arms and held him tight. “It might be hard now that you’ve taken Taylor on a date.”

“I know.” Damon turned his head and kissed Nash’s neck. “It was nice, though, to be out in the open with him like that. I want the same for us.”

“We’ll have to talk about it with Taylor. If he’s seeing you, he’s part of this too now. And we can’t make these kinds of decisions without him.”