Page 29 of The Princess

“So now that we’ve established that we’re in some kind of ridiculously hot love triangle, what’s next?” Taylor’s voice was soft, and Damon could hear the nerves in it, the way it wavered in uncertainty.

Damon made himself open his eyes and look at Taylor. “We do whatever we want.”

Damon truly wished it was that easy. He’d barely, finally, upgraded Nash from not-so-casual hookup to boyfriend status, and now they were both involved with Taylor. What even was his life?

“Damon, look at me,” Nash said.

Damon dragged his eyes open again and gazed up at Nash. He blinked slowly, like he was waking from a dream he desperately wanted to remain in.

Damon tightened his grip on Nash. “I’m sorry.”

Nash smiled down at him. God, he was gorgeous. Damon always did like the tall, dark, and handsome, permanent five o’clock shadow look that Nash had going on.

“Don’t be sorry. We’re all new to this, and sometimes any one of us might need to be reassured, but Taylor and I deserve to have all of you, not just the insecure bits. You’re amazing. You do know that, right?”

Damon tried for levity and he forced a lopsided smile. “I am pretty great.” His words didn’t come out with any of the intended enthusiasm. Instead of joking, Damon went for honesty. Sometimes it sucked to be an adult. But he wanted this to work, and hiding behind humor would only get him so far. “I’m sorry I got so in my head about this.”

Taylor, who had looked so very natural curled into Nash’s side, extracted himself from Nash’s hold and slid down to the floor and into Damon’s lap. Damon winced and shifted around until they were both comfortable. Taylor wrapped his arms around Damon’s neck and kissed him chastely on the mouth.

“If it makes you feel better, I haven’t dated two people at the same time before either.” He turned his head, looking up at Nash. “What about you?”

“Nope. I’ve always wanted something like this, but I’d never met the right people.”

Damon liked to believe the until now was there at the end of Nash’s sentence, just silent. The three of them felt like an inevitability.

Taylor grinned and looked back at Damon. “See, we’re all new to this. And we’re probably all insecure about things sometimes. The two of you were together first; that makes me feel like an intruder.”

“You’re not,” Damon said at the same time as Nash, earning him a smile.

“And I’ll have to trust that the both of you mean that until I get more comfortable. And you’ll have to trust that we’re okay with whatever is going on between the three of us.”

“What about everyone else? What are we going to tell them?” Damon asked. He’d been secretly worried about the reaction of the Bennett brothers, and their dad, who was like a parent to Damon.

Taylor scoffed. “For now, we tell them nothing. I’ve never made a habit of talking about my love life with Jonah, who was never interested, and Colby, who still pretends that I need to be protected from everything. I’m not about to start now. We’ll tell them when we tell them. They won’t die from lack of knowledge.”

Taylor and Nash were both so confident about this decision that Damon had no problem going along with it. It wasn’t like they were getting married or anything. Not that three people could get married anyway. Or that Damon had thought about marriage much. He wondered, if two of them did get married, which two it would be. Taylor, for sure, because he’d look phenomenal in anything he decided to wear.

Taylor laughed and pressed a kiss against Damon’s cheek. “Did we blow your mind? Where did you go?” he asked, still smiling.

“You have the prettiest smile,” Damon told him. It felt like he’d burst if he didn’t tell Taylor what he was thinking because he’d held back for so long. But now that the cat was out of the bag, Damon could lavish him with compliments.

“We’re not going to get anything figured out if the two of you don’t behave,” Nash said, not at all in a serious tone of voice.

“We don’t have to figure everything out this minute, do we?” Taylor looked over his shoulder and gazed up at Nash. The affection in Taylor’s eyes made Damon’s breath catch.

“The two of you make it hard to want to be a responsible adult.” Nash attempted a scowl, but he couldn’t hide how happy he was.

Damon’s heart was so full it was hard to breathe. Okay, and Taylor sitting on his lap had a lot to do with tightness elsewhere. Damon’s cock was still very much in need of some attention, but he could ignore it a little longer.

“I don’t know how to do this.” Admitting it was hard for him and he was disgruntled when Taylor shrugged.

“Neither do I. I think we can sort of wing it, right? I know you guys had an open thing going, but I want you to know that I’m not into dating anyone who isn’t one of you.”

Damon rolled Taylor’s admission around in his head. Until Taylor, Damon hadn’t been interested in anyone who wasn’t Nash. “I feel the same way,” he said, looking at Nash, waiting for his contribution to the conversation.

“I don’t either.”

Taylor bit his lip. “So it’s just the three of us?” He smiled softly. “I can live with that. Does that mean you’re both my boyfriends now?”