Page 71 of Savage for You

“Don’t. You have no right to be upset when you see her with someone else. You literally had that girl all over you. Then you straight up friend-zoned her to Brooklyn.”

“What are you talking about?”

“God, why are boys so stupid.” I pinch the bridge of my nose. “This is our friend, Autumn?” I do my finger quotes, and it’s like an aha moment goes off in his brain, and his face drains of color with that realization.

“Dude, I told you that one day your flirtatious ways will bite you in the ass, but you didn’t believe me. Now, she’s going on a date with Dallas. You let that girl hang all over you, and again, you didn’t make it known that you like Autumn. Did you think you had time? That no one would see how beautiful she is inside and out?”

“Monti, I didn’t…fuck. I’ve lost my chance, haven’t I?” he asks as he runs his fingers through his hair and down his face.

“I don’t know, Tal. But you really need to figure out what you want, because being the playboy may work for some, but it's not going to work if you want Autumn. She’s different from these other girls who only see you as a paycheck or someone who can give them a status boost. She has a dad who’s a professional hockey player, and her brother is one of the top prospects in the NFL draft. She doesn’t need anyone; she wants to be the light of someone’s life, she wants to be wanted for her, not what she can do for you. If you don’t want her, then you need to let her go and be with someone who will treat her like she’s the only person who matters in his world.” I tap his chest and start to walk back.

“Hey Monti?” I turn to look at him and see the determination in his stance. “I’m going to show her that I’m the man for her.”

I smile and nod my head, and we walk back to join them.

Before I know it, I’m nodding off and being carried to the car to go home.

Do I want Autumn in my family? Yes. Do I think Talon is an idiot? Also, yes.

I just hope he’s not too late and doesn’t miss out on the most amazing woman.



Waking up to kisses is probably my favorite way to be woken up, other than when his head is between my legs. But today, it’s waking up to kisses all over my face and a smile that makes me melt. I know he is trying to distract me from being nervous about today.

Today’s the day we’re going to his parents' house, and I get to see Karissa. I’m so nervous but also very excited. I haven’t seen her since I was seven, and I wonder if she’ll recognize me. Now, I’m the woman who is dating her son. Who knew that my childhood best friend and her family came back to me without us even knowing who we are to each other.

My palms are sweating just thinking about seeing her again. I want her to like me as someone who loves Rocky, but also as the woman who I am today.

His parents finally got home from Puerto Rico a couple days ago, and we’re going today for a barbecue. Rocky told his parents he wanted to bring his girlfriend home to meet them, but not much more.

I turn the television on in the room for background noise and flip to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. It was my favorite show to watch with my mom, so every time I watch it, I feel her presence around me. I hear her laugh synchronized with mine and her comfort next to me as we sat together.

After my shower, I sit at my vanity in my robe and start to do my makeup. After putting on a little make up I go find something to wear. What do you wear when you’re meeting your boyfriend's parents for the first time as his girlfriend? Smiling at myself in the mirror it’s a surreal feeling finally finding Karissa.

I move over to my jewelry box and grab the locket that my mom gave me for my sixteenth birthday. It’s a square book on a long chain with a picture of me and my parents on one side, and a picture of my mom and Karissa from college on the other. I layer it with my evil eye necklace.

I’m about to toss my phone in my purse and walk out the room when I get a text.

Dickface: We are not done. I can look over the fact that you were seeing someone else.

Me: Were? No, I am. Get fucked.

Dickface: We are meant to be. I’ll always be your first.

Me: gross, don’t remind me.

I groan, and Rocky, who’s tying his laces, looks up from where he’s sitting on the couch.

“What’s wrong, Killer?”

“Dylan will not stop texting me. Before, it was once in a blue moon, but now that he knows we’re together, it's become more frequent and it's annoying.”

“Montana, how long has he been texting you?”

“Umm, like once a month since after I left. I figured he would get bored since I rarely text back but since it came out that I’m with you, it's been a couple times this month already.” I roll my eyes. Not at Rocky, but the fact that Dylan has the audacity to think we’re getting back together. Taylor said it best, we are never getting back together, like ever.