Page 68 of Savage for You

I look over and see the mystery girl standing off to the side. I smile at her, and she returns a smile. Autumn comes to stand beside me, and Talon looks at her and smiles.

“Hey, Autumn, I didn't see you there.”

“Hey,” she says with an awkward wave.

“Talon, who's your friend?” I ask.

“This is Brooklyn. Brooklyn, this is my cousin, Montana, and our friends Autumn and Marley. Brooklyn and I have a class together, she’s new around here.”

I give her an impish smile because I can feel Autumn physically still beside me.

Fuck. He just friend-zoned her.

“Nice to meet you, Brooklyn, we're going to grab a drink. We’ll see you later.”

I look over at Marley and she can read the room. So, we take Autumn’s hands, and we pull her into the kitchen. She grabs a cup and pours in some Titos and takes a shot. I grab some different things and make my favorite Scooby snack. I make one for Autumn as well, but Marley opts for a White Claw. I scrunch my nose in disgust because eww. They smell amazing but when you take a sip, it's like, Ha! Tricked ya. Absolutely no flavor.

“Are you okay?”

“I really don’t want to talk about it,” she replies as she gives me a look.

I know it must have been hard for her to witness. I could’ve sworn Talon likes Autumn. I want to ask him what is going on, but I won't. Not right now, at least. I just know if he hurts my friend, I will break his nose.

I pour us all three of us a shot and say, “Here’s to the men who want us, fuck the ones that lost us, and the losers who don’t know a good thing right in front of their stupid faces.” I wink, and we throw back our shots.

“Looks like trash came to party.”

I look over and see Trey standing there glaring at Marley.

“Fuck off, Trey, leave me alone.” Marley rolls her eyes and turns away from him.

“What are you and The Cheetah Girls going to do about it?” He sneers.

Marley is about to pop off at him, but I take a step forward and say, “Look Short King, I know you have to make up for your small dick size, so you act like an asshole. I get it, I’d be mad too, but I’m going to need you to pick a struggle. You can’t be a dick and have a small one too, ’mkay?” I pat his chest and give him a sickly-sweet smile and turn away.

I hear him mutter “bitch” under his breath, but I don’t care, don’t mess with my girls.

“Let’s go dance!”

“Yup, let's go,” they say in unison.

All three of us flip him off as I yell, “Cheetah girls out!”

We laugh and we head out to the dance floor and start to dance. My girls are looking like whole ass snacks tonight. Autumn’s long raven hair is in a high ponytail with some hair framing her face. She’s wearing black sheer tights with a tight short brown skirt, a long sleeve tight black shirt, and thigh-high black boots. Marley, like the badass she is, is wearing ripped jeans with a cut up Bob Marley shirt that shows off her amazing tattoos, and her black Doc Martens. With her copper hair cascading in waves down her back.

We’re all dancing when I see Dallas slide up behind Autumn and starts dancing with her. She must not care because she sways to the music with him, as his hands glide from her waist to hold onto her hips. She throws her head back and lets the music take over. She’s having fun and she deserves it.

I excuse myself to go to the bathroom, but motion for the girls to stay and dance.

I’m weaving through the crowd of people when I spot Rocky talking to Addison. My eyes roll automatically because, of course, she’s around him out of all these single people in here. I’m a little tipsy—because I’m a lightweight—so I walk up to them, but they don’t notice me because they’re in an intense conversation. I would’ve rather not walk up to them, but they are standing in front of the bathroom.

I cross my arms over my chest, because I’m irritated.

Liquid courage.

I interrupt their conversation by clearing my throat, not even caring about what they are talking about. “I swear, it's like every time I see you, you’re always around my boyfriend. Anyway, you two are blocking the bathroom so if you’ll excuse me.” I try to push past them.

“Baby, I didn’t know you were here.”