Page 17 of Savage for You

“He said we can take it slow and get to know each other. I want to give him a chance, I’m just so scared. I don’t think my heart could take another hit. What if I do, and he stomps on it? I feel that a love like that could be epic, but what if I get hurt again?” I ask, not realizing we’ve stopped.

She grabs my hand, and looks me in my eyes and says, “What if you were made for him, and he was made for you? What if this is it? What if it's meant to be?”

I want to laugh so hard. “Quoting Kane Brown and Lauren Alaina, I see?”

She giggles and says, “And? They are right! So, take it as slow as you want. But just to let you know, once my brother told my mom and I about you, I knew he wouldn’t let you go til you tell him to leave you alone. So, please don’t hurt him, I promise he won't hurt you.”

I smile at her. “I’ll start with being friends, then see where it goes. I’m just really scared.” We walk in silence for a moment.

“Anyway, let's talk about something else. I know this is weird, but would you want to have a sleepover tonight?” I ask with a big grin.

“Really?” She's looking at me like I have ten heads.

“Yes, really! Come on, it'll be fun,” I say, looking at her with puppy dog eyes.

“Yes! Okay, let’s do it,” she agrees.

Blasting music from the playlist I made after the breakup has been therapeutic. I’m cleaning up my apartment wearing one of the football shirts I stole from Talon. I love my apartment. I have windows that overlook the Minneapolis Riverwalk and I love the calm feeling my home brings me.

Lighting my coconut and palm candle after cleaning up makes my house feel so much better. I just love how candles make your house feel so homey. I keep these ones stocked up. I need to put myself on a book and candle buying ban. But who are we kidding? Death by TBR.

Looking around, I’m satisfied with everything I have to make this place a home. My style is more bohemian. I love plants, pillows, and fluffy blankets. My favorite thing, though, is my couch. It's so fluffy, comfortable, and big enough to also be a bed. It's one of those that you can put together in different ways and feels like you’re lying on a cloud.

I order Thai food for us because it’s one of my favorites. I’ve got many of different snacks and movies for our sleepover tonight including reruns of Laguna Beach. That show is one of my favorites. I also have a few movies for us to choose from.

After I finish cleaning and dancing around the apartment, the doorbell rings.

I open the door, thinking it's our Thai food but I see my cousin, Talon, standing there.

“Hey, cuz, what’s up!” he says as he walks right into my house. He notices that I have some goodies out and he goes for them.

“Aht aht! Don’t touch it, Tal, those are for my sleepover tonight,” I say.

“With whom, Montana?” he asks like the big brother I never asked for.

“Autumn, dad. She’ll be here any minute, so byeeee.” I try to get him back out the house.

“Are you seriously trying to kick out your favorite cousin?” he asks with his hand to his heart like I just wounded him.

“Talon, you’re the only cousin that hangs around, what do you mean?” I say as I laugh at his dramatics as he lays on the couch.

And they call ME a drama queen? I roll my eyes, sitting with him, we start talking.

“Montana, when are you going to put the pictures of you and your parents on the walls?” he asks thoughtfully.

“I, um, I'm still not ready, Tal.” I whisper.

“Okay,” he says, nodding in understanding. I know he means well, but he also doesn't want to push me.

I clear my throat because it feels like I have a rock stuck in there but ask a question that’s been on my mind.

“I have a question for you. You know Rocky better than I do at this point, would you say he’s a good guy?” I ask while looking at anything other than him.

“He’s a great guy, I wouldn't be opposed to y’all being together. If he treats you right, and you’re happy, I won't threaten to beat his ass or blackball him from the NFL,” Talon teases me.

“Tal, he still doesn’t know about me. I don’t plan on telling him…yet.” I sigh, and add, “It’s not that I don’t trust him—” I get cut off with a knock on the door.

Opening the door, I see it's Autumn and Rocky. She smiles at me and gives me a hug.