“Video call me, I don’t believe you,” he snaps, disconnecting the call.
“For goodness sake,” I mutter out loud to myself. I video call him straight back. He smirks, pleased he’s still controlling me. “See, all alone,” I mutter, moving the phone to show the room.
“Good. See you tomorrow.”
I get woken early the next morning by someone outside, screaming and laughing. I sit up quickly, alarmed by the noise and dive from my bed to look out the window. There’s a group of people next door having a water fight. Griffin is running around topless, chasing my best friend around his garden with a jug of water. Mya screams as the water hits her, soaking her shirt through.
In the doorway of the house is Ryder, and wrapped around him is a female with long blond hair, short denim cut offs and a bikini top. Her legs and arms are wound tightly around him like a baby chimp clinging to its mother. He still has that blank look about his face. Suddenly, Ryder glances up at my window, almost like he felt me staring. We briefly lock eyes before I step back out of view, mortified that he’s caught me.
I tap my fingers impatiently on the tabletop. Finn was supposed to return Harlee over two hours ago. I’ve tried numerous times to contact him, but to no avail. And I know he’ll bring her eventually, but I can’t relax until he does. Mya bursts in through the front door, a happy smile on her face. One look at me wipes that smile, “Are you okay?” she asks with concern.
“No, Finn hasn’t brought Harlee back,” I mutter.
“Wow that man is such an arse hole. I take it you called him?” She turns on the coffee machine and grabs a cup.
“Yep, no answer.”
“Well look, you know he’ll return her, he’s just playing games again. Ignore him. Seriously, the man doesn’t want to have Harlee at all, we both know he takes her just to annoy you. He will bring her back.” As she finishes her words, the sound of a car engine stopping outside has me rushing to the door. Finn’s car is out front with Finn in the driver’s seat and a blond woman unstrapping Harlee from the back seat. I glare at Finn angrily, he winds down his window and rests his elbow there, a picture of calm.
“Where the hell were you, Finn, she was supposed to be back two hours ago.”
“And you were supposed to answer your phone last night,” he says sternly, removing his shades and giving me a pointed stare. I watch the blond lift Harlee from the car seat and hold her on her hip while she closes the car door. Her tight purple dress clings to her curvy frame and I find herself wondering if she’s had breast and arse implants. She totters on her high black heels, handing Harlee over to me with a kind smile.
“Hey baby girl, I missed you,” I whisper, placing tiny kisses all over her face.
“Finnegan, how totally not lovely to see you,” says Mya, stepping out beside me and smiling sarcastically.
“Mya, still a bitch I see,” he retorts.
“Wow look at this piece of arse, did you pay for her to look this good for you?” Mya asks with a grin, pointing to the blond.
“We need to talk about this,” I cut in, “We said no introducing Harlee to new relationships, Finn.”
“Harlee loves Jenifer, don’t you bunny,” Finn smiles awkwardly at our daughter, and I wonder why it doesn’t come naturally to him to love her, the way I do.
“That isn’t the point, Finn, and you know it. I’ll call you later so we can talk about this.”
“Oh sweetie, what have you let yourself in for,” Mya asks Jenifer, with a fake concern, “Don’t you have parents that love you, that want the best for you? Because honey, he is not it and I feel like I should be the one to warn you under girl code or some shit, that this man,” she says, pointing towards Finn, “Is a complete bastard.”
Finn gets out of the car abruptly, slamming his door. “Shut the hell up bitch, I never liked you,” he growls, making a beeline for Mya. Harlee snuggles into me, burying her face into my neck. It’s a well-practised move I taught her, to avoid her seeing the anger in Finn.
Mya laughs and steps closer to Finn to show him she isn’t scared. “Well, that’s great because I never liked you either, you bullying piece of shit,” she snarls.
“Is there a problem here?” comes Griffin’s voice, and he saunters across the garden towards us, looking the picture of calm. “Because the body language ain’t great from where I was watching,” he adds, his eyes firmly fixed on Finn.
“Wow the great Eric Griffin Fenton,” Finn says with a smirk, “How’s your brother? I heard he got out early, was he a good boy or did he bend over for the guards and get a deal?”
Griff’s eyes change and I see the subtle switch, telling me that things are about to turn to shit. I pass Harlee to Mya and move in front of Griff. “Go back inside Griff, this is my business.”
“Your cards are marked. Ryder has a long memory, and you’ll regret making him your target,” he spits.
“Please don’t threaten me. I’m not scared of you or your little gang,” snaps Finn, and then he turns his anger on me, “And you, you’d better call me tonight or I’ll be turning up for a little visit.” I watch him get back into his car, Jenifer rushes to join him and he drives away at speed.
“Arsehole,” mutters Griff.
“How do you know him exactly?” I ask, reeling from the fact that Griffin had just confirmed that Ryder was his actual blood brother.
“He’s the most dishonest lawyer I’ve ever met and trust me I’ve met a few. Screwed my brother over and got him sent down for something he didn’t do. Ryder’s gonna make his life a misery.”