“Finn started acting weird. Some deals went bad, the Italians pulled out leaving him stuck with two containers of guns and drugs that he couldn’t shift. The Chief of Police was on his back about license agreements in two of his clubs. I think he felt like everything was going bad. He was acting erratic. I was worried for Harlee and so I just took her. Finn was talking like you were dead and the thought of Harlee knowing that, killed me, so I ran with her. I don’t think Finn even noticed we were gone but I kept us moving just to be sure.”
“What was your plan?” snaps Neve. “Keep Harlee forever?”
“No, of course not. I have been checking the news every day, waiting for news that you’d been found or that Finn was dead. I would never have stopped looking for you.”
Neve scoffs. “You sat back while he did what he did. You’re as much a part of it as he was.”
“What was I supposed to do? Nobody that works for Finn walks away alive. If you leave, he finds you and kills you. If you stay, you’re a part of it all. He’ll come for me, eventually, my days are numbered.”
“He’s locked up,” says Neve.
“He has friends in high places,” says Mary. “He’ll have time to think over everyone he thinks wronged him. I’ll never be safe again.”
Neve glances at me before saying, “Then come with us.”
“Neve,” I hiss.
“She can’t stay here and wait for Finn to come after her. She doesn’t deserve that. She kept Harlee safe. I owe her.”
“You don’t owe me anything, Neve,” says Mary, patting her leg. “I’m so happy you’re both safe now. Go and live your life now and take care of that little angel.”
“You’re coming with us!” says Neve, firmly. “I can’t live my life knowing you’re living in fear of him, just like I have for all these years.”
“Neve,” I mutter, shaking my head. “You don’t even know this woman. She’s spent years working for Finn.”
Griff is heading back up the path. “I couldn’t help but overhear,” he says, looking annoyed. “And the pres is right, Neve.”
“You said you needed help around the club,” snaps Neve. “You haven’t had a home cooked meal in forever. Mary can take care of the men.”
“No,” I snap. “Absolutely not.”
“He’s right,” says Mary, gently. “I’ll be fine, Neve. Honest.”
“Mary, you’re coming to live with us at the club,” says Neve, standing. I glance at Griff who shrugs helplessly.
“Mary are you coming too?” cries Harlee excitedly.
“Fuck sake,” I mutter, rubbing at my forehead in annoyance. I point at Mary, “I’m running checks. Anything comes up that I don’t like and the deal is off.”
Mary smiles. “Of course.”
Chapter Twenty-One
I wince as the needle drags across my skin. I hate needles. It’s taken Ryder two whole weeks of begging, pleading and bargaining to get me in this chair. And even after all his promises, I still needed two shots of tequila and a double whiskey. We’d even argued over my tattoo placement. I wanted it somewhere more discreet, like my hip but Ryder had refused point blank hating the thought of another man touching me there. So now, as I stare at the ink seeping into my wrist, with Ryder holding my other hand, I smile. He was right, it does look good having his name on me.
He didn’t even hesitate to have my name in large, scrolled letters over his heart. And then he got Harlee to write her name right underneath, alongside Alfies, which he then had tattooed. We’re on his skin forever and that feels special. For the first time in months, years even, I feel relaxed and happy.
There is no threat of Finn turning up and causing me problems, or worse, him taking custody of our little girl. My new restraining order covers us both and lasts until Harlee turns eighteen, by which time, we’re able to re-apply should we need it. But if Ryder is right, he’s going away for a very long time.
And since our return to the club, Ryder has been amazing. He’s been patient and understanding, and hardly left my side. I’m thankful for that because being around him makes me feel safer than I’ve ever felt. I close my eyes and think back to last week when he confessed to his kiss with Sassy. Don’t get me wrong, I thought for a spilt second, things were over and I hated that feeling.
“Baby, I have to tell you something, it’s eating me up inside and before I make us official, I have to clear it with you.” Ryder took both my hands in his, which alarmed me because he looked so serious and worried.
“If this is gonna upset me, Ryder, its best you don’t tell me. I’m a woman on the edge after everything that’s happened.”
“If I don’t tell you, we’re starting off all wrong and I don’t want that for us, Siren. Just remember, I love you so much and you’re my world. And please let me explain before you go bat-shit.” My heart hammers, I know this isn’t going to be good. I’ve never seen Ryder look so uncertain. “Sassy kissed me when you were held by Finn.” He paused, letting his words sink in which is his first mistake because he doesn’t see my slap coming. It takes him off guard and he clutches his cheek. “Fuck, woman, that hurt.”