“If it’s what we have to do to ruin that fuck, then we’ll do it. I’ll cover any loss to the club,” I tell him.
“Man, we’re playing a dangerous game. What if he gets desperate and hurts Neve or worse, sells Harlee.”“Shut the fuck up, Griff. You’re not helping.”
“I’m here to speak the truth man, you asked that of me. You wanted me to be the eyes and ears when you weren’t thinking straight and so here I am. I asked you not to make this deal, yet I’m here supporting you. I said this might blow up in our faces, yet we’re still here.”
I sigh heavily, he’s right, he thinks clearly when I can’t and I know saving Neve is taking over my sanity. “You told him the truth about Neve,” I mutter.
“Because he’s the kind of man that appreciates honesty. He wouldn’t have fallen for that deal knowing you’re making a fucking loss.”
Finn hands me a silver dress. It glitters in the bathroom lights and I snatch it angrily. “You promised I could see Harlee,” I snap.
He pulls the towel from my body and I do my best to cover myself with the dress. He pulls that too, leaving me exposed. He makes a grab for my breast and I recoil, folding my arms to cover that area. He sniggers, “You need to play a role this evening. I have the police chief meeting us for dinner.”
I feel a glimmer of hope but it’s soon snatched away when he grabs me to him, turning me to face the mirror. He runs his hands over my chest, batting my hands away from my breasts. He cups them, smirking at my reflection in the mirror. “I know what you’re thinking. That this could be your chance to escape, to get help. Well if you want to see Harlee again, you’ll play by my rules.”
“I can’t believe you’d stoop so low as to threaten your own daughter.”
He grins wider. “As long as I have you, I don’t care about anything or anyone else.” My heart breaks a little more at his disregard for our daughter. “You know, your boyfriend hasn’t been in touch. Do you think he’s given up?”
He smirks, burying his face into my neck and nipping the skin. I shudder with repulsion. “Maybe he doesn’t care like you thought.”
“Why are we having dinner with the chief of police?” I ask, changing the subject because the thought of Ryder giving up on us, makes me sick to my stomach.
“A precaution. Questions will be asked and when…” he paused and smiled, “Sorry, if Ryder does decide to get desperate and report you missing, I want the police to be able to shut him down. Always one step ahead Princess. Now get dressed.” He steps away and I sag in relief, grabbing the dress from him and slipping it on under his watchful eye. “Your role tonight will be the doting wife. Smile in all the right places, be attentive to me and act like I am your world.”
“And if I don’t you’ll hurt our little girl?” I snap. “Where is she exactly?”
“She’s with Mary,” he replies. At least that’s something. I don’t think Mary would hurt her, she seemed quite taken with her. “Mary lost her child, I think it was a girl, new-born. She was devastated and never went on to try again. She’ll make a good mother one day.” He sees the way I stiffen and sighs, “Maybe I can give her what she’s always wanted. Harlee will forget about you soon enough and she can have a loving mother.”
I slap him. It’s hard and stings my hand instantly. He wastes no time reacting, grabbing me by the throat and slamming me hard into the mirror. I grin, glad I’ve hurt him too as the red mark appears on his cheek. “Fuck you, you prick,” I hiss through gritted teeth. “I hope you fucking die a painfully long death.”
He sneers, “I love it when you fight me, Neve, it makes life interesting from that boring little bitch you’d become.” He presses his erection into my thigh and I fight myself not to vomit as he grabs the hem of my dress and begins to shove it up.
“No,” I snap, shoving his hands away. “No fucking chance.”
“Keep fighting me, Princess, it makes it sweeter when I finally get inside you and win.”
He roughly shoves his hand between my legs and I cry out in anger. I don’t want to give him a fight but there is no fucking way he’s forcing me to have sex with him.
There’s bang on the door and Finn stills. “What?”
“Boss, the car is ready, we need to leave on time.”
Finn laughs, resting his head against my forehead, our breathing short and heavy. “We’ll have to pick this up later, princess.”
The restaurant is crowded and the smell of cooked garlic makes my stomach growl in hunger. The waiter leads us to a table by the window, pulling out my seat for me to lower into. The view of the Thames relaxes me slightly. Just being out of that house is a good feeling. The waiter returns seconds later with a couple, the man older with a ruddy complexion and the woman thin with pointed features. She gives a stern look my way as she’s seated and I instantly get the feeling I won’t like her.
“Charles, it’s so good to see you. And this must be Helen, how lovely to finally meet you.” Finn oozes charm, kissing Helen’s hand just like he had done to me all those years ago. “This is my wife, Neve.”
We all shake hands before sitting back down. Finn places his hand on my knee and gives it a rough squeeze. “I thought you were separated,” asks Charles.
“We were, but you can’t fight love. For all my sins, Neve loves me and I love her. We’re giving our marriage a second chance.”
“That’s good to hear. So many people give up too easily, especially you young ones.”
“Yes, Harlee is our pride and joy. We want her to be happy.”