“Bullshit and you know it. He doesn’t give a crap about Harlee.”
“He’s still her dad,” I whisper, unable to stop the anxiety that’s currently taken over my body.
“We’re not doing this,” snaps Ryder, crawling up my body and taking each of my wrists, holding them above my head. “You don’t answer to him anymore.” He kisses me, and for a second, I get distracted, wrapping my leg around his waist and tugging him closer. I feel him at my entrance and groan as he sinks into me. My mobile begins its vibrating dance again, but Ryder keeps my hands pinned beside my head, slamming into me harder and faster.
He pulls from me and takes my hand to his erection, wrapping it around and keeping his over the top, rubbing fast until he comes over my stomach.
He drops down beside me again, his breathing is fast and heavy. “Answer the fucking phone,” he grits out.
“It’s fine, he’ll get bored,” I mutter.
“Answer the damn phone, Neve. He ain’t ruining our night with constant phone calls. Answer it.”
I go to grab my top, I’m currently down to my underwear, but he snatches it away. “Nuh huh, if he’s gonna video call, he gets to see the shit he doesn’t want to.”
I roll my eyes, taking my phone just as it begins to ring for the fourth time. I answer, positioning it so he can’t see below my neckline. “You think I’ll let you get away with what happened today?” Finn spits angrily. I notice the cut on the bridge of his nose and a swelling on his cheek.
“Don’t you want to know how your daughter is?” I ask. My heart beats wildly in my chest.
“There is no way I’m letting you keep her now, not after this,” he yells.
“It’s not up to you,” I mutter.
“Oh baby, you know I have people that can take her from you before sunrise,” he threatens.
“I went back to the school,” I snap. “I told them the truth, they know you hit her, it’s all on record.”
“And?” he growls.
“And no judge is going to let you take her after that.” He laughs and I feel my panic rising. Ryder gently squeezes my knee in a reassuring manner.
“I’m a fucking lawyer, Neve,” he screams. “Do you think any judge will listen to you over me? You’re nothing but a hotel receptionist. These judges know me, we play golf together. I’m taking Harlee, trust me on that. By the time I tell them about your murderer boyfriend and how my daughter is around criminal gangs, they’ll be begging me to take her.” A tear leaks down my cheek and I glance at Ryder. “Holy shit is he there, in my bed?” snaps Finn. I shake my head. “Show me,” he demands.
I sit straighter, using a hand gesture to tell Ryder to move out of camera view. He scoffs, snatching the telephone from me. “Of course I’m here, Finn, she’s my ol’ lady, or wasn’t that clear from our conversation today.” I groan, burying my face in my hands. “If I remember right, Ryder, you owe me a woman already. I’m taking mine back and I’ll return her broken and messed up along with that little brat. I have a special place just for them, mother and daughter, I might even mention that to the judge, you know how these guys work right? The right offer at the right time…” he trails off, leaving the sentence hanging in the air.
“That sounded like an admission, Finn. Why would I owe you a woman?”
Finn gives a small laugh. “I’m coming for her, Ryder. And then I’ll take your club apart.”
Ryder disconnects the call, throwing the handset on the bed and staring at it. After a few minutes, he looks at me. “Don’t ever ask me to fucking hide from him again.” He’s angry, I can tell by the pulsing vein in the side of his neck and the way he clenches his jaw.
“I don’t know what to do anymore,” I cry.
He swoops down closer, pushing his face into mine and placing a hand either side of my thighs. “Stop falling at his feet,” he growls, “Stop acting like he holds all the cards. You belong to me, Neve. You. Belong. To. Me.”
His words should terrify me, but they send a thrill through me. I want to be owned by this man. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him hungrily. He makes no move to touch me back, so I push up onto my knees. “Show me,” I whisper against his mouth.
“Show you?”
“That I belong to you.”
He growls, sweeping me into his arms and wrapping my legs around his hips. “You drive me crazy,” he whispers against my mouth.
I smile “You should punish me for that,” I reply, arching a suggestive brow.
Every time with Neve is different. We go from making love to fucking like starved animals. But that was by far the best fuck I’ve ever had in my life. We’re lying side by side, staring up at the ceiling, with the sound of our heavy breaths filling the silence. “Do you trust me?” I ask.