For fuck’s sake.
One of the unexpected benefits of my mom being sick was that I didn’t have time to date. I was too busy being a caregiver. I’d occasionally go out with my coworkers, and the conversation always came around to the guys they were dating. The beautiful, strong women I worked with would spend the entire evening obsessing about the men in their lives. Why they acted the way they did, why their actions always fell short of the words they uttered. They would show me the thoughtless texts these guys sent and ask me what they meant. Every word would be thoroughly and painfully dissected; every action endlessly analyzed.
Whenever I hung out with them, I used to feel like I’d dodged a bullet.
Except now I’m doing the same thing. I’m obsessing over Tomas, a man who’s made it clear, by his words and actions, that he’s not interested in getting involved.
Idon’t think I’m going to hear from Tomas until Friday, but to my surprise, he texts me a couple of hours after I open on Monday.
Any complaints about the double-billing?
Only one. I got really lucky.
Gerald, the finance influencer, spent ten minutes bitching about my incompetence, but I bit my tongue and offered him a free month, which took care of the problem.
Would it be tactless to point out I predicted that this would be a non-issue?
Hmm. Well, then pretend I didn’t say it.
His next message comes an hour later.
The couch in the lobby is disgusting. Use some of that money I won you and buy something better before someone catches an STD off it.
You’re an expert in STDs now, are you? Is that the voice of experience talking?
If that’s a roundabout way of asking me to fuck you on that gross couch, Ali, I can be talked into it. As long as you don’t take it personally when I shower in bleach afterward.
I laugh out loud.
Fine, I’ll buy new furniture. Point of clarification though: I did all the fighting, so I believe it’s money I won, not you.
Sadly, that’s not how betting works, dolcezza.
I get another text at nine in the evening on Tuesday.
You’re still at work, aren’t you?
Yes, why?
You probably started at six in the morning, and you should be done by now. Hire someone to staff the front desk before I do it for you.
I should be annoyed by the bossiness, but there’s an undertone of concern there that’s really sweet. Like the ibuprofen in Milan, and insisting he give me a ride home. His directives always come from a place of caring, and they warm me up from the inside.
That doesn’t mean I’m going to roll over for him.
I think you need a contract refresher. According to Section 4, neither party may make hiring decisions unilaterally.
You’re quoting my own contract at me? Seriously?
I smile smugly.
Can dish it out but can’t take it? Goodnight, Tomas.