“I can’t imagine what he thinks he could tell me that will make me marry a stranger.”
“He’ll point out what a catch he is,” Tomas says. “Malinov is very rich.”
“I’ve already told you I’m not going to marry some random guy because he can buy me things.”
He squeezes my hand. “Tonight, it’s not me you have to convince, dolcezza,” he replies. “It’s Vidone.”
I exhale in a long breath. My stomach is churning with nerves. “I don’t understand why he invited me to dinner,” I complain. “What if he takes one look at me and is disappointed by what he sees? What if he doesn’t like me? I should have treated this like a first date and insisted we meet in a coffee shop.”
“Why would he be disappointed by what he sees?” Tomas demands.
“It can happen. Not everyone likes me.”
“Then they’re clearly out of their minds. My family loves you. My father was very impressed that you went through the trouble of making me a café bombon.” A smile plays about his lips. “I didn’t tell him about the rat poison. Why destroy his illusions?” He slides the car in front of a large white building with a terracotta-tiled roof and turns off the engine. “We’re here.”
He gets out of the car and comes around to open my door. I’d normally point out that my hands aren’t broken, and I can do that on my own, but today, I’m glad for the delay.
I’ve been waiting all my life to meet my father, and it turns out I’m still not ready.
Ahostess leads us to a small private room in the back of the restaurant. We barely step into the doorway when a man jumps to his feet.
Ali’s father. Vidone Laurenti himself.
“Alina,” he booms. “Daughter.” He opens his arms wide and folds her into a hug. “I’ve waited so long to meet you.”
That’s a strange thing to say, given Laurenti just found out about her existence less than two weeks ago. I file that away for reference and focus my attention on Ali. She’s a little stiff in his embrace, and she pulls away as soon as she can without being obvious about it. “I’m so glad you were able to make it to Valencia. It was such short notice, so I thought?—”
“As if I’m going to pass up the chance to see you.” He directs his attention toward me and his eyes narrow. “Who’s this?” he asks, his voice significantly less warm than before.
“I’m Tomas Aguilar,” I reply, holding out my hand with a cordial smile. “Good to meet you, Signor Laurenti. When Alina told me you were coming to Valencia to meet her, I couldn’t stay away. I’m her fiancé.”
We’ve decided that, at least today, we’re going to approach this meeting without any threats. I’m not planning on telling him that I know who he is, and I’m not bringing up Gabriel’s support, either. Tonight, I’m going to give Alina’s father one chance to just be a parent, and it’s up to him if he takes it.
Sabrina Laurenti might have died in a car crash, but she wasn’t Laurenti’s only daughter. If he can put his agenda aside, he’ll have a chance to have Alina in his life.
“Her what?” Vidone’s face turns red. He pivots to Alina. “I thought you said you were single,” he says accusingly.
She wets her lower lip with her tongue. “No, I said that it was complicated.” We’ve rehearsed this answer, so the lie comes easily to her lips. “I wasn’t sure where our relationship was going, and then Tomas asked me to marry him. When that happened, I knew he had to come to Valencia. I wanted the two of you to meet.”
She smiles happily, and for a moment, my heart wants to believe it’s all real. That she’s delighted to marry me, that she cannot wait to spend the rest of her life with me.
But last night, when I more or less confessed my feelings, she didn’t say anything. And this afternoon, when I suggested naked wrestling in my house, she was on board.
She wants to keep things casual. How much more evidence do you need?
It’s not casual for me. I don’t know if it’s ever been. And if we want different things, we should part ways. As much as it’s going to wreck me to never see Ali again, I cannot be in another one-sided relationship. I was able to bounce back from Estela because deep down inside; I knew she was the wrong woman.
Ali though…
My dolcezza entered my life like a hurricane, and she’s laid my heart to waste. And even if she never feels for me what I feel for her, it’s worth it. Even knowing the outcome, I would do it all again. I wouldn’t trade the time I’ve had with her for anything.
Focus, Tomas. I drag my attention back to Laurenti, who is looking from me to his daughter and back at me again. He realizes I’m still holding out my hand, and he shakes it quickly. “Good to meet you, Tomas.” There’s a smile on his lips, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Alina, you didn’t tell me you were bringing your fiancé when we talked.”
“I didn’t?” She blinks innocently, which is again part of the plan. “I’m so sorry. I guess I was so overwhelmed that we were finally meeting that I forgot to mention him.” She offers him a conciliatory smile. “It’s not every day you find the father you never thought you’d meet.”