I purse my lips and glance between the two women. Violet narrows her eyes and crosses her arms, but I can see the hint of vulnerability in the way she twists her lips and taps her fingers against her arms. Just like the video call, she seems fragile. Like she’s waiting for me to say something that will absolutely ruin her.
But why would she think that? I would have burned the world for her, would have destroyed myself, to make sure she was happy.
“She did,” I say, though my voice has gone dry. I force a swallow and continue. “She gave it to me on the front porch when I stopped by. You... you hadn't texted me back all week. I knew you might be radio silent since it was your first heat, but I had gotten worried over how long it had been. Kurt said they typically last four or five days, and it had been closer to nine.” I run my hands through my hair. “She handed me the letter along with the necklace I'd given you."
Violet's eyebrows furrow as she frowns. Her question rings through the room, hitting me in the chest like a damn gunshot, my knees crumpling under me.
“What necklace?"
It’s instinct that has me grabbing the counter before I actually collapse to the floor. She'd never gotten the necklace? Sienna had lied? But it had been Violet's handwriting, right?
“The necklace I’d brought you when I checked in the first time. Kurt had answered the door and explained what was going on. He’d promised to set it aside for you.”
This time, I know I’m not imagining the tears in Violet’s eyes. Faedra doesn’t miss them, either. She stands from the couch and crosses to where Violet leans, whispering in her ear. Jealousy burns through me and flashes white hot as Violet relaxes, giving her friend a single nod as she blinks quickly. Faedra gathers a bag from beside the couch and leaves the dorm without another word or glance at either of us, her phone already out and dialing someone.
Silence descends hard and fast on the room. It’s worse than that of Faedra's hatred. It carries years of unresolved hurt and misunderstanding. There's a chasm between Violet and me, stretching the last four years, and I have no idea how to patch it or cross it to get to her on the other side.
"When did you bring a necklace?" Violet's question is a shaky whisper, and her arms press harder into her chest.
"The day after you went radio silent," I murmur.
Her throat ripples with a swallow. I repeat what I said before, adding more details.
“Kurt answered the door when I swung by. He’d looked worried and stressed, so I asked what was going on. He said you'd gone into heat. So I left the necklace with him, and he promised to give it to you once you were coherent again. I... I waited all week, but you never texted to let me know you were all right."
Violet shakes her head. "I never got anything from Papa. When I came out of my heat, my mom was standing at my door with a note she said was from you."
She drops her arms and holds out a hand, a single piece of paper held between her fingers. It's identical to the one I'd burned when I moved to join the philharmonic. It takes every single ounce of willpower I possess to cross the room and take the worn scrap from her hands. I let my fingers graze hers. Her breath catches, but she doesn't pull away. I can smell her honeysuckle scent now that I'm near her, but it's probably just from her room.
My hands tremble as I unfold the paper, and bile rises in my throat as I read what's written in a scrawl nearly identical to my own.
Thanks for the ride.
"Mom said she had already blocked your number and socials because something like this was unacceptable for her daughter."
I tear my gaze away from the harsh words. Her eyes are wide and glassy, and while her arms are still crossed, the tension has bled away from her. My chest aches. I want to wrap my arms around her, bridge this last bit of physical distance in the hope it will erase the years of heartache.
Even my romantic heart knows it isn't that simple, though.
"I told you that you were it for me, Vi," I whisper, dropping the forged note. "Until the end of time. I meant it."
Her breath is shaky, and a single tear runs down her cheek. I can't help but brush it away. I swear her scent gets stronger.
"I'd just gone through a heat. My first one. It was… it was so much more overwhelming than I’d expected. There were entire days that I didn’t really remember." Her words grow quieter with each statement until they're little more than a whispered breath between us.“I trusted her to tell me the truth.” She shakes her head. “I knew she was catty. I’d seen her be awful with Scarlett. I… I guess you would remember all of that, though. But I still thought maybe she was on my side.”
Another tear falls, and I brush that one away, too, before pushing my luck and cupping her cheek. She doesn’t push me away, her breath hitching for a moment.
"I'm sorry," I whisper. “I… I should have tried again. Kept coming back until one of your dads opened the door instead.”
She nods, her gaze distant for a moment, then she sighs.
“I’m not sure she would have let them answer it,” she whispers. “Not if she had used my heat as a way to force us apart.”
She brushes away another tear, looking at the ground. It's like a bucket of water is thrown over us both. She steps back, out of my hesitant touch. I let my arm drop to my side.